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"Your legs... tickle." Jisung said, chuckling.

"I'm not... I'm not touching you..." Minho said in defense.

When Minho looked under the blanket, Dori ran out of there. "Dori!" Jisung said happily, snuggling with the cat.

Minho was smiling, looking at the way that the two of them fit each other. "How about me?" Minho said all of a sudden.

"Snuggle?" Jisung asked, receiving a nod from Minho. "If you want..."

Jisung let go of the cat and opened his arms for Minho. So Minho snuggled close to his chest, but something wasn't right. "This feels a little weird." He said.

Jisung, for some random reason, felt the same. "Right..." so they let go of each other.

"H-how about breakfast-?" Minho asked, receiving an awkward nod from Jisung.

"What was that..." Jisung questioned. "It was like hugging a... friend... that you feel nothing towards." But Jisung was 100% sure that he likes him.

His heart starts beating quickly just looking at him. Of course he likes him when he blushes just thinking of him there's no doubt of that.

So he walked behind Minho and hugged him from behind. Again. The feeling that he had before and the same was for Minho. "What is it?" Minho asked.

"Hm..." Jisung just hummed, letting go of his body.

"Jisung... I feel like you've also noticed..." Minho started letting go of the things he was holding. "I think, that I was cursed." He said.

"Cursed?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah... like by someone... and I feel like that someone might've been my ex. Just out of spite." He said. "So that romantic contact feels like nothing." This is one of the reasons as to why I wasn't capable of having a stable relationship. And I feel like I know which girl was it because she was the only one out of my ex's that knows about my father and stuff..."

"The curse applies to others only when having intimacy or any romantic contact with me." Minho said.

Jisung being the guy he is, understood only the last sentence. "Jinx?" He asked.

"Something like that... yeah, probably." He said.

"You try to break it." Jisung said.


"Love, a lot. Let it out." Jisung said.

Minho thought to himself. "How would that help when I'm cursed." But then he thought about words from that specific ex.


"I don't think I can love you anymore." Minho said to her.

"How do you know when you don't even try?! You've never given me the love that I craved, is it just me? Or have you been this cold and distant with your ex's as well?"

"Tss... this is ridiculous, of course I've been treating you the same as everyone that I've ever loved." Minho said in defense.

"Fuck you, Lee Minho. You're pathetic. Hopefully every single one of your next partners feels the same as I did so that everyone knows how pathetic and awful you are." She said leaving.


"I think it was her." Minho said. "Jisung... I'm gonna come back in 30 minutes." Minho said grabbing his keys and ran outside.

"Ok..." Jisung said thinking of which number he said in Korean.


Minho arrived at his ex's place, knocking on the door.

She opened the door with a smile fading right away when seeing Minho. "What do you want." She said, crossing her arms and leaning on the doorframe.

"Listen... I know that what I did to you was bad... really bad and selfish..." he started.

She continued. "... and disgusting, fucked up, mean, awful..." she then sighed. "But thanks to that, I met my now boyfriend with which I have a beautiful baby." She said.

Minho didn't really know what to say so he just kept quiet. "Why are you here?"

"I met someone... that I truly love... but I feel like... touching them in a romantic way is... different..."

"Cold-" both of them said at once.

"Did you curse me?" Minho asked right away.

"Curse?" She asked and then burst out laughing. "Your karma got you... finally. It was about the time." She wanted to close the door but was stopped by Minho's hands holding the door.

He kneeled and started pleading and begging. "Please..  please..  I'm begging you... I really like this person and I don't wanna lose him-" Minho said stopping mid-sentence because he exposed that he was talking about a guy.

He quickly looked up at her and saw her shocked face. "Him?" She blinked a few times and let go of the door.

"Please..." Minho said with tears in the corner of his eyes. "I really love him..."

She sighed and let him in. "You can sit on the couch." She said.

When Minho sat down, she sat opposite him in a chair. "Minho, I never cursed you."

Minho was shocked hearing that. "The thing is, you were always this way, you just didn't realize, because you haven't loved me. The way you're fighting for this person, you would never fight for our love. I saw it back then, you haven't. That's because my love was one-sided." She said completely seriously.

"If you want to keep this person, get your ass back and show him how loving you are... how you appreciate them. Otherwise, he'll end up feeling lonely like I did back then." She said.

Minho helplessly nodded. "Now go back to him. He's probably waiting." She said smiling for the first time at him.

"Thank you..." he said leaving the house.


When he got back home, Jisung was sitting on the couch learning some more Korean.

"Han!" Minho rushed into the living room.

"Hm?" Jisung was confused looking at him.

He rushed over to Jisung and hugged him. "I need to learn how to love... but I know that deep down under the ice... I love you." He said hugging Jisung tightly.

For Jisung, this time the hug felt different. It gave him this tingling sensation. "I truly love you too." Jisung answered with a cute sentence.

Minho could now slowly feel the heat of his heart melt down the ice that was built there for many years. He could feel tears of joy fall down his face from how happy he was.

"Where did you learn such words?" Minho asked. "Even the whole sentence sounds grammatically correct."

"Hyunjin showed some of his favorite adult films."

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