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Jisung was walking home with minho all worried.

"Is there something wrong Sung?" Minho asked noticing his sulking face.

"No, not at all." Jisung said trying to brighten up.

"If you say so... any who... my backs starting to hurt..." minho said bending his back and putting a hand on it.

"Mine does not..." jisung said clueless.

"Of course it doesn't." Minho answered sarcastically as they were already standing in front of their place.

When they sat down on the couch in the livingroom, jisung decided to confess.

"Minho? You prefer me in this body?"  He asked.

"What?" Minho asked clueless.

"Im me. But I'm woman. Is it better?" He explained.

Minho sat down looking at jisung from a few centimeters and just answered. "I think I still love you the same... you haven't changed much... I would even dare to say that your boobs are smaller."

"Really?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah... and to be honest... I don't really care what you got down there as well..." minho moved away. "Its still you that we're talking about... and you're the only thing that matters... not in what body you are." He simply answered lying down.

"Really?" Jisung said with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Yeah." Minho smiled.

"I love you." Jisung hugged minho but then paused.

"You too noticed it." Minho said with a straight face.

"Weird hugging now that you have those..." jisung said pulling away.

"Guess you gotta get used to it for three days." Minho grinned.

"But why yours so big..." jisung sulked.

"No idea." Minho looked down touching them. "Its not like it's a good thing... my back hurts." Minho said tired.

"But mine... nonexistent..." jisung said with sad face.

"Gonna go and take a bath... maybe my backs gonna get better." Minho said calmly. "Can you scrub my back for me?" Minho asked.

"B-back? N-now?" Jisung said panicking.

"Yeah... why not? Let's go, I'll scrub yours in return." Minho said.

Jisung wanted to decline, but he just told himself to suck it in for once.

They entered the bathroom and minho started stripping. "Hey, why aren't you taking off your clothes?" He asked as if it was nothing.

"Not used to this body..." jisung said shyly when minho turned around and he could see his full naked body.

Minho looked ar himself in the bug mirror and smirked. "I still look good even as a woman."

Then he looked at jisung. "Cmon... you were much calmer when our bodies switched. This is similar." Minho said. "And you'll never see this body again, so why not enjoy it?" Minho said positively.

"I... don't like your tone of voice now..." jisung said with straight face and low tone of voice.

"All of a sudden you're fluent?!" Minho sighed. "Whatever gonna scrub myself then." He said taking big scrubber and put a towel around it with which he could reach the back of his back.

Jisung sighed and took off all of his clothes slowly sliding into the hot bath.

He took the towel from the scrubber and started scrubing minhos back.

"Thanks, that feels good." Minho said relaxed when the hot towel touched his tired back.

"You feel... like a different person... but so familiar..." jisung said to minho.

"Like who do i look?" Minho turned so that only half of his face was visible. "Like my mother... right?" He said with a warm smile.

"Y-yeah..." jisung admitted.

"I can't help but to feel sense of responsibility now that I look like her..." minho said sulking. "I could never be like her. Sometimes I'm wondering... why do I resemble her so much... I should rather have a face of the one that hurt her..."

"Don't say that..." jisung said. "God wants you to be good. God gave you face of good person, he wants you to be good person. God dont want you to go the path that man did. He sees you as angel your mom is." Jisung said determinated.

"What a nice words jisung..." minho said. "I love you." He turned around and hugged jisung.

"Nows my turn to scrub your back." So jisung turned around in the giant bathtub and waited.

"How about your father?" Minho asked. After all, jisung looked like his father.

"He was good. Before he left he still cared about us." Jisung said.

"I see..." After few minutes, minho was done with the scrubing so he lied in the bathtub just enjoying the hot water.

"I should go..." jisung wanted to get up and go, but minho didn't let him.

"Stay little longer... love." His words lingered in jisungs ears many minutes after he said them. Minho intertwined their fingers as he lied there enjoying the warmth of the water.

After that they got out, dried their bodies and went to sleep.


The past three days, both of them avoided going out and most importantly, avoiding hyunjin because minho knew, that he would make fun of him saying that he got his karma back from treating his ex's bad.

It was the day, both of them could take the other potion.

"The woman said to take one sip." Jisung said.

"Okay... lets do it." Minho was the first one to take it.

Then jisung took one sip as well.

Their head started to hurt a lot all of a sudden and their vision became blurry.

"If that which poisoned us... im gonna haunt her in after life." Minho said sitting down on a couch.

"Minho, youre back to normal." Jisung said.

"Huh?" Minho looked down on his chest. "You're back as well."

"Thank God." Minho said putting his hand over his eyes. He then peeked through his fingers because jisung kept quiet.

He saw jisung nearly melting in front of his eyes. "Whats wrong?" Minho smiled.

"Im overwhelmed... missed seeing you..." jisung said cuddling closer to minho.

"It was only for three days silly." Minho chuckled.

"Didn't you miss me?" Jisung asked seriously.

"But you were still with me jisung. No matter how youll look, ill still love you no matter what." Minho touched his face softly as jisung leaned closer into his touch. "I know that i have the worst dating history. And to be honest, im surprised that even after you found out about my past you still like me... youre helping me change jisung... and im much happier than ever before."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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