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Hyunjin was about to leave, but before he did, he dragged Jisung outside.

"What is it, Hyunjin, that you wanted to tell me?" Jisung asked.

"Jisung... I'm helpless... I actually don't know what to do..." Hyunjin confessed. "Minho... just asked me for a tattoo... that I was hoping will never appear on his body." He said.

"But... right now... he asked me to do it."

"What's so bad about the tattoo?" Jisung questioned.

"Its... a suicide tattoo..." Hyunjin said. "When I started tattooing him, he had this request. He told me that when he requests a big tattoo, he's gonna end it with this tattoo." Hyunjin sighed. "I didn't understand at first, so I just laughed it off, but he said that it's gonna be a suicide tattoo."

"He actually never said what type of tattoo it'll be. Not even he knew at that time. It can be anything... a sentence... a picture... that's why I don't wanna do it... but it would hurt even more letting another artist do it without knowing." Hyunjin explained. "I'm sorry for dumping all of this on you... I had to."

Jisung was just standing there not knowing what to do or how to react.

"Anyways im sorry, but i gotta hurry now... I'm going... bye." Hyunjin sadly said, waving him goodbye.

Jisung slowly turned around, walking back inside, slowly quickening his steps, running to Minho's workplace.

He aggressively opened the door and with an angry stamp, grabbed Minho by the collar, making them both fall sideways from the chair.

"Why... why! Don't die! Sad Hyunjin! Sad Jisung! Leaving behind everything!" Jisung was holding Minho by his collar tightly, shaking his body.

"Jisung alone. Jisung likes you. Don't leave Jisung." Jisung was crying like crazy, trying to squeeze as much words as he could.

Minho was just watching Jisung have a total breakdown as Jisung's tears fell down on his face, mixing with his own.

Minho wished he could explain to the other how unhappy and depressed he feels every single day. How he wishes just to rest and have peace of mind.

Soon, Jisung just buried his face into Minho's chest.

"I'm sorry, Jisung... I'm sorry." Minho said, finally putting a hand on Jisung's head to pat him.

Minho was about to say something, "I need to do-" but he was immediately interrupted by Jisung's soft lips. The tingling sensation woke him up.

"Please... please... please..." Jisung was pleading and sobbing in between the kisses.

Minho was in such shock that he forgot how to speak.

Jisung was still crying mess, sobbing, and pleading on top of Minho.

Minho hesitantly raised his hands and put them around Jisung's waist.

"Anything... I'll do anything... just don't die." Jisung whispered as he was crying into the crook of Minho's neck.

"I don't need anything... Jisung." Minho said.

"I love you, Minho... don't leave me..." Jisung whispered.

The word love sounded like the prettiest song in that moment. Minho picked himself up together with Jisung in his arms and walked together with him into the bedroom.

He thought to himself. "I cannot promise you that I won't do it... I cannot promise that to anyone."

He lied Jisung down and lied next to him.

Jisung just turned the other way around, not wanting Minho to see him like this.

"Jisungie... I'm sorry for doing this to you... I'm sorry for making you suffer."

Jisung stayed the same.

Minho got closer and whispered into his ear. "Would a kiss make it up to you?"

Jisung panicked and turned around, meeting his own lips with Minho's.

He panicked and pulled away. Minho just chuckled and caressed his cheek. "I hope I didn't scare you." Minho said chuckling a little. Feeling even more flustered than Jisung.

"Kiss..." Jisung asked.

"I was wondering... I don't know I what kind of relationship you're in with Hyunjin, but would you mind... trying it out with me?" Minho said with all the confidence he had left.

"Relationship? With Minho?" Jisung questioned.

Minho just nodded.

"Hyunjin good friend." Jisung blushed.

Minho smiled. "I'll be waiting then." Minho said.

"Don't... ever scare me." Jisung said quickly.

"I'm sorry, Jisung..." Minho apologized again.

"Don't say sorry. Just live." Jisung said as his eyes filled with tears again.

"Alright, alright... don't cry... come here." Minho said, letting Jisung bury his face into his chest. He hated seeing the other this sad.

"You're so stubborn." Jisung pouted.

Minho pulled out his phone to tell him something. "Jisung... I want you to be aware that for me, even the pure imagination of dating a man is strange and feels wrong... the beginnings might be hard... but I'm gonna try to not make you uncomfortable in any shape or form." Minho sighed. "And you're fully aware of my past dating life. I don't want to hurt you... but I have this feeling like you're different than those that I used to date... Hopefully it's not because you're a guy."

Jisung just simply nodded.

Minho sighed. "Loving someone so painfully depressed must be fun." He jokingly said to himself.

Jisung didn't really understand that.

"Cuddle?" Jisung asked.

"I think we can do that." Minho said, letting Jisung come close.

Soon before falling asleep, Minho felt something tickling him.

When he looked down, Jisung was doing something with his finger.

"What you doing?" Minho asked.

"Writing." Jisung answered quietly.

"What are you writing?"

"I love Lee Minho." Jisung said smiling to himself.

Minho couldn't help but smile at that. "Why so?"

"So that no one would steal." Jisung said.

Minho was doing everything to not squeeze Jisung because of his cuteness. "Hm... ok, continue." He just said internally screaming.

"No one steal Minho." He said quietly.

After a few minutes, both of them fell asleep.


In the morning, Jisung woke up just a few millimeters away from Minho's face.

He panicked because Minho was already awake, looking straight into his eyes. "Good morning." Jisung said first.

"Good morning." Jisung saw how Minho's earrings were shining bright dark red as the beams of the sun shined through.

This was the first time that Jisung got to see Minho right after he woke up. His hair was messy, his eyes still halfway closed, and he could smell his body that still, after a long night, smelled like the products that he uses.

The thing that he noticed was that Minho's scars on his hand were fully exposed, so he quickly looked up to show respect to him.

Minho chuckled. "It's fine." He said and placed Jisung's hand on his arm. "You're a plaster to my scars when they bleed, and the only medicine I need." Minho said smiling.

"Hm?" Jisung questioned, which helped Minho realize that Jisung probably didn't understand what he meant so he chuckled at himself.

"You help me heal."

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