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As he was doing his and Jisung's laundry, he found a picture in Jisung's pocket.

Thankfully, the clothes hadn't been washed yet, so it wasn't ruined.

"This must be his family," Minho wondered.

When he looked closer, there was baby Jisung being held by someone extremely similar to him. "That must be his father." He said when he looked properly. "They really look like twins."

"It's pretty late..." Minho wondered where the other is because he's been out for hours.

"I'm gonna call him." Minho said.

As the phone was beeping, it soon hung up by itself because it was ringing for a long time.

"Why isn't he picking up?" Minho wondered.

So he called again, but the same thing happened.

Minho got uneasy and then slowly started feeling anxious. "He's still a foreigner in this country... what if someone kidnapped him telling him that they know where his father is!?" Minho was panicking.

"God... should I call the police? This is as if a kid got lost... what should I do... I shouldn't have let him go by himself... maybe I should go and try to find him... maybe he got lost..." Minho ran out in the cold, running around the close park and other not too far places.

"Where can he be? This is all my fault..." he said, being on the verge of tears.

He was asking people around if they saw him walking around here, but no one saw him.

He fell to the ground on his knees and cried helplessly into his palms.

People were walking around him, looking at him like a crazy person.

It was already dark, and Minho was still kneeling and crying.

"Minho hyung?" He heard a familiar voice.

He looked up and saw Jisung standing there confused. "Is hyung okay?"

Minho quickly picked himself off of the ground and ran toward the other one, hugging him close.

"How could you just disappear... why didn't you let me know... I was so worried for you." Minho was crying into Jisung's shoulder.

Jisung didn't understand any of it but saw how frozen the other was because he ran out from the apartment not thinking about clothes.

Jisung opened his large jacket and snuggled Minho inside, hugging him tight to keep him warm. "Hyung... I love you." Jisung said in Korean.

Minho was still sniffing, maybe even because he might've caught a cold, but hearing that felt warmer than anything in that moment. "Daisuki..." Minho said back in Japanese.

Jisung smiled brightly just thinking about Minho saying that he really likes him.

Jisung took off his large scarf, wrapping it around Minho's neck and over his head to make him as warm as possible.

He took off his jacket because he had a hoodie under it and put it onto Minho, keeping him warm.

He gently grabbed Minho's freezing hands and blew some hot air onto them and held them tight to warm them.

Minho's rosy cheeks and plump lips popped out because of the cold, so Jisung decided to drag Minho home.

Minho was still so overwhelmed by emotions that all he wanted is to see Jisung next to him, so he kept quiet the whole way back home.

When they got home, Jisung told Minho right away to lie into his bed and stay there. Minho still didn't say much; he was too tired and exhausted to even move an inch.

Jisung prepared some tea and some tissues for Minho.

He then went back into the kitchen to make a soup for Minho because he must be hungry as well.

He was cutting some carrots and other vegetables with some meat, making chicken soup. After he was done, he brought it to Minho on the nightstand.

Minho was now slowly coming into his senses and sulking. He didn't want to eat the soup because of being a little bit mad and upset with Jisung.

So Jisung took the soup and started blowing cold air onto one full spoon of the soup and tried to feed Minho.

Minho frowned and firstly refused, but then because of Jisung's determination, he couldn't refuse his act of kindness, so he let Jisung feed him.

After he ate the soup, Jisung let preheat a gel baggie for Minho to feel warm.

Throughout the whole time, Jisung nor Minho didn't use a translator, not even once. They didn't need it to understand each other's needs.

Minho snuggled with the warm pillow facing the other way away from Jisung, soon falling asleep.

Jisung gently patted his head and lied next to him facing the other way as well.

Late at night, Jisung felt something burning on his back and something wet as well.

He turned around and saw Minho squishing himself close to him.

"Minho-san?" He said all sleepy and confused.

He touched his forehead and was surprised at how hot it was.

His shirt was all wet from the sweat, and only his deep breaths were heard.

Jisung quickly got up and brought a thermometer to check on him.

When he saw that it showed 40°C, he panicked. "Oh no... I gotta call the ambulance..." he said, picking up his phone, searching for the ambulance number.

"Hello, I don't know Korean. Excuse me." Jisung tried to excuse himself so that they don't think that he's just joking.

"Friend. Hot, sleep. 40°C. Address XXX. First floor, hurry." Jisung answered all of their questions that he possibly could with the limited Korean he had.

Soon the ambulance arrived and left with Minho.

Jisung was left alone sleep-deprived because he was worried about his friend.

In the morning, he heard a knock on the door.

When he opened it, he was met with a young beautiful woman. The one thing he couldn't ignore is how similar she looked to Minho.

"Mrs. Lee?" He questioned. "Good morning."

He deeply bowed.

"Oh my. You are one adorable looking angel." She said, her smile shining. "Where's Minho?" She asked.

Jisung let her in. "Minho, sick, hospital." He tried to explain.

"My baby's in the hospital?" She covered her mouth worried.

"Minho, fine." He tried to calm her down.

"You are a foreign? Japan I'm guessing." She said, changing the conversation when she found out that her son is OK.

Jisung nodded.

"Is it you that my son was talking about?"

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