Act 2. Ami - Sailor Mercury

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Solery loved Endymion. Endymion loved Solery.

They were destined to each other. No one, even gods themselves, could separate those two, young royals in love.

"If I have to rule this planet, then I want to have you by my side, my love" one night, prince confessed his infinite love for Sun Princess. "Without you, I feel like nothing, like I was lost in space. You're giving me reason to keep going, to keep living. You're the reason why I wake up every morning, my lady"

"Endymion..." princess quietly cried being touched by prince's words, covering her mouth with hands.

"We couldn't resist forbidden fruit. We broke law made by gods themselves" he gently stroked his love's cheek. "They're watching us, laughing at us knowing that we will face consequences of our love. But how cruel they are to punish us for loving each other?" Endymion wiped tears from Solery's face. "If gods tell me to cross the whole universe to be with you, I will gladly do it. If they tell me to abandon my precious Earth to be with you, I will gladly do it. If they tell me..." the list kept going.

Solery wondered if she loved Endymion that much as he loved her. She didn't know if she was ready to abandon Sun or cross the universe, just to be with him. Princess hated sacrifices with her whole heart. Oh, no one could imagine how much she wanted their love to be accepted by gods, how much she wanted not to worry about coming consequences of her actions, how much she wanted to rule the Sun and Earth with Endymion by her side.

But maybe... there were no point in trying to oppose gods' law?

"Endymion... my beloved. I'm ready to face consequences. If I will die today, I'll be happy, knowing that our love to each other was honest. I will pass in peace, with huge love deep inside my heart. Seeing our love will make gods to give us second chance, let us be reborn on this beautiful Earth. Then, we will find each other and fall in love again" Solery tried not to burst in tears while saying this.

"I'll always wait for you, my dear Solery" Endymion brought his face closer to girl's. After awhile, they both shared passionate kiss.


"Hikari-chan... hello? Earth to Hikari-chan?" Ginger heard voices all around her. She decided to ignore all of them, wanting to see princess and prince from her dreams.

"Maybe she died?" Another voice suggested, making girl mad.

"You can't be serious! Hikari-chan, Hikari-chan, Hikari-chan... you must open your eyes! Come back to us! I'm begging!" Someone started violently shaking her. Knowing that they won't let her slip into dreamland, she slowly opened her eyes. Hikari slowly straightened up stretching herself to get rid of annoying back pain. "She's alive! Yuki-chan, Hikari-chan is alive!"

"Good job on sleeping for the whole English. You're lucky that Akio-kun was covering you" Ayame chuckled, kneeling in front of ginger. "You must've had a good dream"

Tsukino didn't answer. Instead, she looked around classroom to see that they were only ones in room. Did school already ended and everyone went home? Or maybe it was lunchtime? Hikari couldn't tell, she completely lost track of time.

"Sorry for worrying you two" she apologized before huge yawn. "What time is it? I hope that school already ended"

"It did. Now, everyone went to check how they scores from exams look in comparison to other students" Yuki informed, taking Ayame and Hikari's hands into hers. "We should go too!"

And then, she pulled them after her, forcing them to run and making Hikari fell from her chair which at this moment felt so comfortable. Near news' board there was a lot of students, mostly gossiping about others' scores.

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