Act 9. Solery and Serenity - Princesses

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"Tuxedo Dark Mask! Hang in there! Open your eyes!" Usagi cried. Her cries made Hikari's heart break, it was so hard to see her sister in state like this.

Sailor Sun clench fist, angry at herself. If they arrived here faster, then there was a chance of prevent this. She looked at Mamoru who was all the time by her side. She noticed a small tears forming in his eyes, she knew that he also wanted to scream. After all, his brother got seriously injured.

Akio weakly raised his arms, wanting to touch Usagi's face. Before he could do it, he lost all of the strength and his arms went limp.

"NOOOOO!!!" Younger Tsukino yelled painfully. Hikari couldn't take it anymore, she suddenly felt a lot of more strength than before. Also she wanted to do now is torture their enemy for what he did to her sister and her friend.

Usagi's scream was so loud that it was able to break Tsukino siblings diadems. On their forehead appeared two symbols: crescent moon on Usagi's and sun on Hikari's. Their sailor suited got replaced by identical gowns, Usagi's one was white and Hikari's light-yellow.

Hikari felt that right now, she was someone different. She wasn't Tsukino Hikari right now.

Right now, she was Princess Solery.

"I remember..." she murmured, turning around to face Tuxedo Mask. "I remember you now... I remember everything" she put her hands on Mamoru's cheeks. "Endymion, we finally met..."

Last sentence made the man also to remember something. Remember their cruel past life when they couldn't lead a long, happy life. Memories of the days when both of them used to hide their feelings to each other from their parents. "Solery..." he also whispered, feeling like he found all of the answers he was looking for.

Hikari, or rather Solery, cried happily because of Endymion remember her. "Endymion, you were my first and last love. You... you're the only man I want to love"

One of Hikari's tear started glowing so brightly that no one could keep their eyes open. Her tear started forming into the shape of crystal. Soon, awaken princess realized that it must be the Legendary Solar Crystal.

But, its appearance didn't do anything good. Its light brought destruction to the whole Tokyo, it killed all of the flowers, all of the people. The only ones who survived Solar Crystal's destructive powers were sailor guardians, Chiba brothers and their enemy.

"What... what just happened...?" Solery asked confused when crystal's stopped glowing. "What did I do?!"

Her panic didn't last long because of white light coming from Usagi. It was so calming and soothing. It quickly repaired all the damages done by Solar Crystal's power.

"Could it be Silver Crystal?!" asked Mamoru, observing Usagi.

"So she's Princess Serenity..." stated Hikari.

Soon, Silver Crystal stopped shining, except one part which seemed to went into Akio's body.

"Kunzite! Now! Steal the Silver Crystal and Solar Crystal for the Dark Kingdom!!" enemy's scream caught Hikari's attention. She quickly ran to Usagi to protect her and Silver Crystal. It would be so much harder to steal both crystals at the same time, right?

Soon, all of the sailor guardians were shielding awaken Princess Serenity and Solery from the enemy's attack. When they stopped attacking, all of them noticed Tuxedo Dark Mask in Kunzite's arms. "Tuxedo Dark Mask!!" Usagi cried, trying to run to him.

Enemy started attacking them once again. Hikari, Mercury and Mars were holding Usagi to prevent her from going to Akio, while Jupiter and V tried to strengthen shield around them. "Usagi! I'm begging you!" Solery screamed at the verge of breakdown.

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