Act 10. Sun and Moon

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[a/n] sorry for the long wait! Schoolwork absolutely destroyed me 🫣 But I'm finally back and ready to continue this story! I also plan plot for another Sailor Moon book, this time about Neo Queen Serenity's daughter. Please, enjoy this chapter!

Am I really needed on the Moon? Hikari wondered on her way to arcade.

Now it wasn't a secret that she was the Sun Princess, without any connections to the Moon Kingdom. She even didn't have any memories related to this kingdom. For her, it felt weird that they wanted to also take her to the Moon. In her opinion, she would be more useful here, on the Earth.

It was also a few days since her awakening as a princess. From then, she didn't see Mamoru even for once. It felt like he vanished into thin air. All Hikari could do was hoping that he was safe and hasn't fallen into enemies' hands.

All of these thing were overwhelming her in the past days. Hikari wasn't doing anything different from thinking. She couldn't focus on her classes or just be happy with her friends. And the worst thing in this was the fact that she couldn't talk about her struggles with anyone. Princess Solery and Sailor Sun were her secret identities, no one should know about her. Other sailor guardians were that focused on preparing their trip to the Moon that Hikari didn't want to bother them just to talk.

Right now, her feelings didn't matter.

With sigh, she entered arcade and looked around, looking companions. But instead of them, she saw someone who she was willing to see for the past days.

"Mamo-chan..." she whispered, feeling the tears coming to her eyes. Still not believing, Hikari slowly approached him and hugged him. He felt real. He was real. "Mamo-chan!!" older Tsukino cried out, happy that her beloved was safe. Mamoru embraced her back. "Where have you been?! I was so worried!" after some time, she asked, moving away from the man.

"Sorry for disappearing like this, Riri-chan" he started, sighing. "During this time, I was doing investigations of my own to locate my brother but I haven't found anything. It's just like Dark Kingdom vanished after previous incident"

Hikari felt so happy that didn't pay attention to Mamoru saying 'Dark Kingdom'. He shouldn't know this name, after all, Minako and Artemis only told sailor guardians and Luna about their enemy name. "Don't worry, we'll find him" she tried to reassure him. "We're going..."

"He already knows about this part" said Luna suddenly, jumping on Hikari's shoulder.

"Luna! Since when you're here?" older Tsukino asked, surprised. She didn't notice her before, maybe because she was only interested in her beloved.

"Since beginning..." cat sighed, shaking her head from side to side. "I met Mamoru on my way here. I decided to tell him everything about our plans"

"And then, she asked me to go to the Moon with you" he finished, to which Hikari only blinked.

"And...?" asked she, tilting her head to the side.

"Hikari-chan..." Luna sighed again, no believing that Sailor Sun was so clueless about everything. "Mamoru is going to the Moon with us"


"The moon is now 15 days long" stated Ami, observing moon on the night sky. "It's hovering right over the middle of the park. It's such a clear night, not a cloud in the sky. Perfect night for a trip to the Moon"

Rei slowly approached genius girl. She was dressed in shrine maiden outfit which was giving her more beauty. "A half moon signifies discord and hatred. The new moon signifies death and destruction" she started mysteriously as Phobos and Deimos sat on her arm. "For setting of on new beginnings, for making requests for the future, a full moon is the best" Hino finished and her crows flew flew high into the sky. "It's power surges up through the glow of its white light"

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