Act 11. Reunion - Castor

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"What's this place?" Princess Solery asked, following her father into unknown room.

She knew that her father and sailor guardians were often there but none of them wanted to tell the princess what exactly is this place. Today was the first time she was allowed to see what's inside.

It seemed pretty boring. There weren't any furnishings, just plain walls and floor. In the middle there was a triangle. On each edge princess could see Neptune, Uranus and Pluto's symbols. When she looked up, she noticed another symbol up on ceiling. It was Saturn's one.

"It's saint place of this palace" her father started, standing in the middle of the triangle. "It's the place from where we support Moon Kingdom in fights. Luckily, we didn't have to use it militarily for long time. When the time comes, the wielder of the Legendary Solar Crystal has to stand in the middle and raise their wand high. Because of this and guardians' power, the ultimate power will be summoned. The one that will change everything"


When Hikari opened her eyes, she quickly sat up and examined all of her surroundings.

"So I came back..." she sighed in relief before getting up.

The girl ran out from her room to check on Usagi. She couldn't help but worry about her sister. They got separated in cosmos, Hikari was worried that the worst possible scenario happened. That is Usagi not coming back from the Moon.

Older Tsukino stormed into her sister's room just to see her getting ready for school. Hikari never expected that seeing those two familiar blonde buns would make her so happy. The girl tightly hugged her little sister.

"Woah...! Hikari...! You're going to suffocate me...!" Usagi yelled to which Hikari only tighten her grip.

"I'm so happy Usagi... I was worried that I will wake up and you won't be there..." she confessed with tears forming in her eyes.

In their past lives they were never able to be like real sisters. Their parents even hid the fact that they're related from them. Hikari's hidden Solery now craved for Usagi presence. She wanted to catch up all those years they missed from Silver Millenium era (even though it was clearly impossible because both of them were now completely different human beings from their past selfs).

If it was for Usagi, Hikari would choose vengeance path.


"So this is what happened after..." Hikari murmured after hearing the story about Kunzite attack when she was still on the Sun.

"Mamoru told us later that soldiers of Dark Kingdom used to be his and Aki-chan's knights in past life" Usagi sighed, looking down at the ground. "It's unfair..."

Hikari stayed silent. She never expected that the men they were fighting against could be so important to their loved ones. It was indeed unfair that they couldn't live a normal life. They got brainwashed so early... if Hikari could, she would turn back time to stop them from joining Dark Kingdom's forces.

"All right. I'm off to the control center. I'm in the process of examining the stone sword" Luna announced, going her own way.

"See you later, Luna! Good luck!" said Usagi, smiling gently at the black cat.

Two sisters continued their way to school. Soon, Usagi bumped into the strange man.

"Huh?" Hikari looked at the stranger who was currently walking away.

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