Act 8. Minako - Sailor V

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"Sailor V?!" guardians screamed, seeing girl who used to be the soldier of justice before their awakening.

"Sailor V?! The Phantom soldier of justice... no way! What is she doing here?!" Makoto asked, clearly shocked by seeing her.

"But she doesn't look like the Sailor V we're familiar with. Her uniform is different..." noticed Rei. Sailor V was now wearing the same sailor suit as them. She had orange skirt and around her hips, they could see something like red rosary. What was different from them was Sailor V's tiara, or rather the lack of it. Instead, she had a crescent moon symbol on her forehead.

Sailor V took out a red goggles and wore it. "Oh yeah. I hardly ever take off this mask in front of anyone"

"Red goggles..." Usagi said, pointing at familiar goggles. "Like V from the video game?!"

"Sheesh! How rude!" all of the eyes went into direction of white cat. It had the same crescent moon symbol on its forehead, just like Luna. "This woman is Sailor V to be sure, but more than that she's the royal heir to the throne of the Moon Kingdom of Silver Millenium and the anointed carrier of the 'Silver Crystal', the crowning gem of the royal family. She is princess Serenity!"

All of the guardians gasped, shocked. No one actually expected Hikari's theory to be true. But now, they finally found their princess and probably Legendary Silver Crystal too. The person and gem they needed to protect. Suddenly, Usagi and Hikari felt their foreheads getting painfully hot. In the moment, their old tiaras crushed and new tiara, which were looking more like diadems, appeared in old's places. Usagi's tiara was now a giant crescent moon with ruby gem in the middle of it, while Hikari's resembled sun, also with yellow crystal in the middle of it. "Your tiara..." both sisters said in sync, pointing at their new diadems.

"You've done well so far, Sailor Moon, Sailor Sun" praised Sailor V, approaching Tsukino siblings. "I've been watching you from that game for so long that it doesn't feel like it's our first meeting"

"Did the fighting simulations on the Sailor V game make an impact on you?" asked white cat, following princess.

"Seems like it did..." Hikari answered, slowly analyzing everything that happened in the past days. On their meeting in the arcade, Sailor Sun was sure that this mini version of Sailor V wanted to say her something. And today, she finally spoke to her and her sister. Older Tsukino wondered how it was even possible to send messages from game machine.

"Nice to meet you, Sailor Jupiter" mysterious guardian stated, gently squeezing Makoto's hand. "Sailor Mars" when Sailor V and Sailor Mars hands met, Hikari noticed the weird expression on Rei's face. Just like she saw something really important.

"Just now, for an instant, I thought I had a vision" Mars said quietly, clutching her head.

After these word, Sailor V seemed to become more serious. "You all must hurry and remember your true selves. Your past lives!"

"Past lives...?" Ami asked confused, but it seemed that princess didn't hear this question.

She took out her transformation pen and detransform in front of them. "This is my regular form" Serenity said, carelessly waving her pen. "On Earth, my name is Aino Minako, and like most of you guys I'm an 8th grader. Nice to meet you!" she introduced herself, nicely smiling at the rest of sailor guardians.


"Princess!" Luna called, running towards Sailor V. "Sincerest apologies, princess, for not going to meet up with you" black cat said quickly, bowing to blonde teenager.

"Luna! Why are you apologizing? You were carrying out your duties, you did the right thing!" Minako chuckled, waving her hand to show Luna that she isn't mad at her. "Oh, it's been so long since I've been in the control room!"

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