This summoning worked... HOW?!

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A/N: This is a collaboration work with my dear muffin who changes their name so I can't tag them and make it work.... soo muffin if you see this comment here so that they can find you too! Thanks for doing this with me!

Then a huge thanks to all of you gems for supporting me and make me get to 11k ! As promised I decided to throw out two stories this is the first one. Second one following soon when I get the time for it! Till then enjoy this!

Iruma's POV:

I would love to say that I have a home, a family or anyone that I care about but honestly that was not really the case which was why I let some strange person trick me on buying this book.

Me: Can't believe I bought this....

Looking at the title I already knew that this was a bad idea but oh well, as if I had something to lose.

Me: *sigh* Whatever... let's summon some demons.... Maybe I can give him my soul and then be part of something bigger....

Of course I was stupid. However I didn't care at all. It was basically all on a whim that I got some black candles some salt and some sugar and also cookies cause that book said that if I wanted to summon something, I need an equal exchange. For now I was about to offer some cookies and my soul to the demon and hope I can somehow make him stay with me forever. I was just lonely, okay! I didn't mind if I would summon a demon or not or if that thing was a monster or the boogy man or whatever!

Me: Let's do this...

With shaky hands, I have recreated the magic circle and burned it immediately. For a while nothing happened and of course nothing happened. What did I even expect? A real demon to show up like the genie of a lamp from aladdin? Yeah, I was stupid believing that but whatever.

Me: Of course.... What did I really expect... hah...

Why do I still keep talking to myself...

This is stupid.

I was on a fishing boat. Maybe this was not the best place to do this and maybe it was also not the best timing to do it since I was supposed to work and it was stormy but did I care? No. All my life I worked soo hard and the only thing I ever wanted was to have a peaceful life and a family and maybe even a father or a mother who would care about me. Was it really too much to ask for?

Since I was foolish enough to actually believe a bit about this whole demon summoning story, so I turned around and was actually about to get a broom to start cleaning up the mess.

???: Hey kid... are you the one who summoned me?

Me: .....

What the!

What in the world....

How did that cosplayer come on board?

Did I not see him?

He does look a bit weird though....

Why does he look soo grumpy as well?


Did he say summon.....

Me: Sum.... summon?

???: Oi! *snaps fingers* Are you alive? *snaps fingers twice.* I think he's dead...

I was completely in a daze not knowing what was going on. For real, this was not what I expected. There was this small hope that there would be a demon coming out at the end of the day but that right in front of me was a full grown man and not only that but he looked quite human to me and not demonic at all. No sharp long black fingernails and no sharp teeth like sharks and no horns and so on.

Me: .... I ... ahmm sorry... what did you say? I don't think I heard that right.

???(Annoyed): I asked if you were the one who summoned me...

He looked cearly annoyed to me but I didn't know what to do. I was the one summoning him but I also didn't believed it to be true and then I also did hope for it. Well I kinda prepared everything but nothing that would actually prepare me for this. What was I supposed to say next or do next?

Me: Yes... I have some cookies to offer.

Was this a bad timing for this whole exchange story?

???: Cookies? What are those?

Me: Ahm biscuits with chocolate. I heard that there needs to be an equal exchange while summoning and... I wanted to offer that and my soul... is that enough?

???: ... can I taste one of your... 'cookies' and decide?

Me: Sure. Here they are homemade... well I did them so they not the best.

Time seemed as if it had just stopped. For a small second all the fishes started to fall down on us and I was already uneasy and unsure what to do. Right now, that made me panic more but I felt soo happy seeing that demon that I couldn't think straight at all. Deep down I wanted him to be with me for eternity. He didn't seem like a bad person to me at all.

I hope he likes them.

Maybe he can stay with me.

Or help me out.

I don't wanna work anymore... I am tired... I can't do this...

I want a family, a warm place, a home and maybe a pet to play with as well!

After he asked the question, I got closer to him with some cookies on a plate and looked at him smilingly when he took the first bite. Oh what was this bubbly feeling I had? Anticipation? Happiness? Was this the moment of my life? I don't know but I felt syringe relaxed.

???: Hmmm *chews*... tastes nice...but one more question... what do you get from our deal? You're offering me your soul after all... you must want something desperately, most don't just offer their sould right off the bat...

Me:.... I just want a home... a warm place where I don't have to work... or worry for my life... I just.... I want to feel the warmth of a family.... Can you do that? Can you get me out of here? Please?

I looked down as I grabbed the edge of my shirt and started fiddling around with it as well. I was clearly nervous but I was also happy that I had this opportunity. Maybe I could get out of this hell, and maybe I could really start anew. I had this feeling that whatever was going to come next would change my life. If it was for the better or for the worse was something I still had to find out.

A little bit of Fluff for the heart XDWhere stories live. Discover now