Time sure flies

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Iruma's POV:

We both ate our fill and after that Kallego continued to show me everything once again and we ended up in the room where I would be staying. It was literally huge and it was also very beautiful with all the windows and everything. Then there was me glaring at the bed because it looked soo fluffy. I just wanted to dive into the bed and be the kid I always wanted to be.

Kallego: Kid, you can go lay it y'know...?

Me: Can I really?

Kallego: I mean it's yours, go nuts...

Me: But what if I damage something or get something dirty?

Kallego: You won't damage anything, I promise.

Me: ....

I was thinking for a bit but in the end just went for it. What I didn't expected was Kallego to actually help me out as well and use his powers to raise me up into the air a bit before letting me dive into the bed better and harder but it was soo fluffy and bouncy that it was pure fun.

Me: Hahahahaha

How long was it that I had laughed this much and this hard and this hole heartedly?

Honestly... I can't remember.

This is fun... this bed is also soo nice!

I can't believe that it feels soo good as well.

Damn.... What luxury.

I wonder why he gave me such a big room for myself though... I am fine with a small one.

Kallego: So? How do you like it?

The question tore me out of my thoughts and besides it was a bit ridiculous to ask how I liked it when I had this much fun just jumping around in the bed...of course I liked it without any questions at all.

Me: MH! I love it! Thank you!

Kallego: That's good...

Me: Can I ask you something?

Kallego: Sure, what's up?

Me: Am I sharing the room with someone?

Kallego: Uhh, no? Why'd you ask?

Me: Because this room is huge!

Kallego: Hey, kid, can I ask you a quick question?

Me: ... hm?

Kallego: Why did you ask if you'll be sharing the room?

Me: Why do I deserve something like this? I don't get it. I don't need something this huge.

Kallego: Because you're a good kid...

Me: Okay.

He smiled at me but this time his smile was a bit of a bittersweet one and I couldn't help but try cheer him up and got out of the bed running to him smiling and trying to stand up on my tip toes but no matter how much I would make myself tall, I was still too short for this.

Kallego: What are you doing? *chuckle*

Me: I.. ahm... can you get down a bit?

Kallego: Is this better?

Me: A bit more....

Kallego: Like this?

Me: Ah ahm...

I didn't know how I should tell him this so I let him come closer so I could pet his head. I thought that this could cheer the demon up since it would always be the trick for me and after I was done, I hugged him hard and a lot.

Me: Thank you! Don't be sad though! I am here now!

At first I thought that I did something wrong but that look of nostalgia or whatever it was made me think he was missing someone and that he might actually be sad. So I did this to cheer Kallego up and it seemed to work since he seemed to be his usual self in the next second again.

Kallego: *Smiling slightly* Thanks kid... never changed, alright?

Me: Always, don't worry!

Kallego: Anyways, time for some rest... *Yawn*

Me: Rest?

Kallego: Yeah, I'm going to bed.

Me: Okay.... See ya later then?

Kallego: Yeah, you should as well.

Me: Huh but I thought it was actually around evening time...

Kallego: It's late kid, around 11pm...

Me: Ohhh well then good night.

A little bit of Fluff for the heart XDWhere stories live. Discover now