Expect the unexpected!

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I was already very curious about the world when we got out but the moment we got to the school, curiosity was all over the place and I staretd to look around more and more. Opera was thankfully really nice and was waiting for me to explore basically everything I wanted. Out final destination was the principals office where I found myself alone with Sullivan. At this point I was not so sure if Kallego actually did tell me to never talk to the principal alone or not.

Sullivan: Before Kallego get's here let me ask you a question Iruma.

Me: Mh?

Sullivan: Do you really not want to be part of this school?

Me: I don't want to be eaten.

Sullivan: That is fine. I can put you as a teacher.

Me: Teacher?

Sullivan: Yes. Me and Opera came up with this idea the other day.

Me: What should I teach them? I don't know anything about demons and this world.

Sullivan: But you know enough about humans and how to value people. It is something this world is missing.

Me: So you want me to teach demons how to be more human like?

Sullivan: Yes. I want them to understand that this world is no longer survival of the fittest. Instead it is about us working together.

Me: I think you got the wrong one for that. I am underaged.

Sullivan: I don't see the problem in that since this is my school and there is no rule about that.

Me: But I am weak. What if someone is attacking me?

Sullivan: I will have a familiar with you at all times.

Me: Familiar?

Sullivan: Yes. In some terms Kallego is your familiar since you have signed a packed with him.

Me: ...

Sullivan: You see without a king in place the demons are starting to think oif themselves and not for a greater good.

Me: Then why not just appoint a new king.

Sullivan: As if that was this easy.

Me: .... but I am really not the best for that.

Sullivan: If it is safety. I will make it safe for you. No one will be able to come close to you if you don't permit it.

Me: Is this about making me interact with people in my age?

Sullivan: Not only.

Opera: It so is.

Sullivan: Opera my dear servant. Do you always have to rat me out?

Opera: He is Kallegos kid and a good kid too. We both know you would have adopted him if not Kallego signing a packed with him.

Sullivan: That wouldn't have stopped me.

Opera: Are you sure?

Sullivan: Yes. His anoyance was the thing that stopped me from doing that.

Opera: Pfff-

Sullivan: Now back to what we are currently talking about. Iruma, I know you like being with Kallego and that everything here is soo new to you but I want you to grow up safe and in a good environment. Being closed off might not be the best for you.

Opera: We just worry about you.

Me: .... I understand that.

Sullivan: So will you give it a try?

Me: I will.

Sullivan: Great! I will let the teacher and Kallego know about it.

Me: What do I have to do thought exactly?

Sullivan: Teambuilding and showing them that their way of thinking is wrong. We have an abnormal class fit for being the first trial class.

Something about that didn't sound right. Why would someone even name a class the abnormal class. This seemed a bit too extreme for me but then again this was the demon world. Maybe this was normal here. I didn't had a norm or a standard they were going too and I was getting bored at home anyways. If this meant that I could actually kill my boredom and see Kallego more than yeah sure I was in it.

I trusted my father and I kinda did wanted to lean more about this world and everything about it. My own curiosity might kill me or not... who knows!

I wonder how people in my age will be...

Maybe I can find some friends.

I never had someone to call a friend.

I also never had a father until I met Kallego or a pet until I got Sivax... 

A lot of firsts for sure. 

This might not be as bad as I think it is.

It was at this moment that the door was kicked in and Kallego came into the room. Now I knew why Sullivan said he wanted to ask me something quickly before Kallego came. It was either Opera who just informed Kallego or he has found it out himself. Well now I was curious to see where everything was about to be heading.

A little bit of Fluff for the heart XDWhere stories live. Discover now