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Just a couple of days past and I was already starting to get bored. Of course I had fun with Sivax and being together with Kallego but as much as I loved it, there was this time when he had to return back to being a teacher and that was the time I was getting bored. It was second day that he went back to teaching and I just didn't know what to do at all.

Sivax: Weee-eeee

Me: Hm? What's up Sivax?

The dragon flew around me for a bit and then started to grab my shirt's arm to pull it. This dragon could act cute and all but Kallego also told me that it was one hell of a dangerous being. One that was apparently also hard to get and unusual. It was Sullivan who send the small dragon hatchling over after he kinda saw my interaction with his cat. Something about Opera insisting on this and didn't wanted to serve him anymore.

I really didn't get what that was all about but oh well, I didn't had to know for sure.

Anyways, I followed the dragon as it seemed to wanted me to go after him. Of course I didn't know where it would actually lead me but when I started to follow Sivax, I quickly found myself in front of the front door.

Me: You wanna go out?

Sivax: WEEEE!

Me: But we can't go out. 

Sivax was crocking it's head in confusion. I knew that kind of look. It was basically asking me why we couldn't go out. Well there was more than just one reason. First off I was a human, second he was still a hatchling and wasn't as powerful to protect anyone of us. Then I also didn't know my way around and so on.

Sivax: ROAR!

It let out a small roar which he barely ever does and landed in front of the door looking at me and at the door.

Me: We can't. Kallego will get mad about us going out.

Sivac: WHEEEE!

Me: I can't protect us Sivax, I also don't know my way around.

No matter how much I was telling this to the dragon, it refused to listen and stood there until I sighed and decided to open the door. We still had a front yard so it shouldn't be bad if we would go out in front of the house. It was still part of Kallego's property after all. However when I got out of the house and went just about 3 steps out, this huge black cat jumped over the fance and came running to me. Ah yes, how could I forget Sullivan's cat. Though why was it here?

Me: Wow, wait!

However it was already too late and made me fall as it takled me to the ground and then basically threw itself on the ground next to me purring. Sivax didn't seemed to like that as it was growling at the cat a bit.

Opera: IRUMA!

It seemed as if the cat had just escaped as Opera jumped over the wall and came running to me to help me up as well. Next thing I know he was checking for any injuries I got. Since I was unharmed he immediately took me in his arms and carried me inside which was honestly not necessary but he was still doing it.

Opera: Are you alright?

Me: Yeah.

Opera: I am sorry. You see Nero loves to escape every now and then. 

Me: It's fine.

Opera: Why were you outside though?

Me: Sivax wanted to go outside.

Opera: But it is dangerous to go outside without proper protection.

Me: Sorry.

Opera: Ah don't be. Wanna go outside together?

Me: Where to?

Opera: hmmm... how about we go find Kallego and Sullivan?

Me: But aren't they in school right now, teaching and ruling over the school?

Opera: Nope. There should be a break.

Somehow I thought that Opera was lying towards me but I also didn't really care about it so I accepted it. I was bored anyways and I didn't really know what to do else besides this. Maybe I would get something out of it too. Who knows. I certainly liked the idea of getting out of this house. Sivax even wanted to get out and was laying on my shouldes but I could tell by small purring sound that it was exited as well.

This was how we went to the school my father was teaching. Little did I  know that there was a reason for Opera being here and that all this was just a show to get me to got to the school... what a genius plan indeed.

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