One eventful day...

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A/N: now I wanna do one book with Iruma turning into a cat... guess I know what I will probably do next XD

Iruma's POV:

I really was done laughing soo hard thanks to Kallego that I needed some time and some time was an understatement because I definitely needed a bit more time and Kallego even crouched in front of me to see if I was alright but I was soo fine.

Me: How about we eat now?

Kallego: What?

Me: Oh I have this surprise for you.

Of course I was about to pay you back what else!

You started this war!

I can't really tickle you but I can do something else!


Just come with me.

I smiled at Kallego who was not expecting anything at all. Of course I went to the kitchen and he was coming with me all the way there. Nothing was wrong here but when I went to grab something I also found something which looked like flour and grabbed a handful to throw it at Kallego before dashing away once again. What I didn't expect was to hear someone laugh as well and take me off the floor.

Opera: Nice one! Let me help you escape there little friend.

Kallego: Opera! Give him over! *sneeze*

Opera: Nope. He is mine till you get yourself done Mr. Snow White.

Kallego: Whatever you cat wannabe. *sticks his tongue out*

Opera: Still mine for the day!

This was all I heard before I was kinda princess carried away. Though to be fair, this Opera just jumped out of the next window and I started screaming. Who is jumping through a window? This is not normal! We would die at this heights as well.

Kallego: Just bring him back for dinner!!

Opera: Let's see about that. Good luck facing Sullivan.

I was confused at everything what was going on but I just let it happen and this was also how I got to something which looked like a big aquarium or an aquatic zoo or something like that. Honestly, I didn't know what it was exactly since there were monsters around but they all looked soo cool so when I saw this piranha and it was the size of a car, I thought I was done for good but Opera was looking at me and backed me up and smiled.

Opera: Wanna see something cool?

Me: Ahm sure.

At this moment, I had a bad feeling. Though how was I supposed to know that he was actually breaking the glass tank there and grab me so that nothing would happen to me. That didn't mean that the others were safe though. No one was safe with that thing suddenly starting to swim on dry land and fly. That shit got scary from 100 to 10000000000000 really quickly.

Me: Mr. Red cat... isn't that.....

Opera: Don't worry about. Just watch.

I did as he said but damn, this was just scary. No one really knew how to handle the fish and in the end Opera had to take care of it as well and made sushi in one go. This was just insane. It should probably scare me that Opera was this powerful but I didn't mind at all.

Opera: Hungry?

Me: No thanks.

Somehow this fish was really poor. It just got food in a matter of seconds and only because this lunatic wanted to show me something cool. Well I knew how much he wanted to make me laugh and make this day a better day but that was just... well poor piranha.

Opera: I think I should take you back now....

Me: Alright....

Opera: But, I wont.

Me: Huh?

Opera: Well Sullivan would like to meet you and invited you to stay over for the night.

Me: What if I refuse.

Opera: He might make things hard on Kallego.

Me: Kallego.... Alright, I'll go with you.

Opera: Great! I already prepared everything.

Who would have known that this was how I would get kinda kidnapped away to a strangers house. Though it was big and luxurious, I never found anything personal there. There were no things that would make this house warm at all.

???: Is that the little guy I heard soo much about?

Opera: Yes.

???: Aren't you a cute little kid, Iruma. No... that doesn't sound right. Let's go with Irumachi.

Me: ....

???: I am Sullivan. Call me grandpa. There is no harm here, just relax and enjoy your time over.

That was all he said but how was I supposed to know what was really going on here. Something didn't felt right but I couldn't put my mind on what it was at all. For now I could just go with the flow though I did kinda start missing Kallego already.

Me: Where is Kallego?

Opera: ....

Sullivan: Oh he will be here in a minute. Please excuse my method since that demon is hard to get.

A little bit of Fluff for the heart XDWhere stories live. Discover now