A pet?

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A/N from here on out Izuku's POV since my dear muffing got a bit busy with school and so on ^^ Good luck with that muffin! School can be hell and boring and annoying... soo yeah good luck! You got this for sure!

I remember falling asleep while he was carrying me after that bug appeared. Other than that nothing. Though there was one hell of a surprise when I woke up. Like I remember petting that huge cat and all. I really wanted to have it since it looked like a normal cat to me... alright a bit oversized but that was about it.

Me: ....

Is that for real?

Is this really real?

Am I still sleeping?




How is this possible?

I was really confused right now. This was my room and I was in my bed which was not the problem. My problem was what was laying on my bed. First I kinda wanted to scream and actually run since that in front of me was a predator. However there was this thing... I was one huge fan when it came to myths and legends and that included legendary or mythical creatures.

That dragon baby in front of me was counting to that.

It looked peacful and it was actually watching me. Though I didn't feel any kind of pressure nor threatened from it. On the countrary it was jawing and then snuggled up a bit more. If I had to describe it with one word than it was cute!

Besides me who just grabbed it and hugged it. 

It might kill me but I doubted it would be in my room if it would kill me so I hugged it and in return it was snuggeling up to me before climbing my shoulder and resting there. Soo adorable, it was melting my heart.

This was als how I was dashing out of my room to find Kallego in an instant. Of course I made sure I was still having the cute little dragon around me.



I looked at the kitchen there was nothing, then some hallways and so on until I got myself kinda lost. It was a huge mantion and I was too exited that I ended up in the basement which seemed like a dungeon. I was never here before and it was cold so I started shivering.

Me: *sneezing * ACHOOOOO!!!


The dragon started to snuggle up more and went a to my back to spread its wings around me. It was kinda warm not gonna lie. So it was making it a bit better plus it was even more cute now seeing how it was having his head laying down on my shoulder.

Me: Awww thank you.

It was at that moment that I saw a shadow and thought it was Kallego so I ran to it. Only that I found myself running to a dead end.

Me: I thought... I just... huh...

Seeing as he was not there, I turned around and started walking a bit more. Mind you that I was not wearing any kind of flippers or shoes because I ran out of my room and out of my bed from exitement.

Me: Kallego?

Nothing again. 

It was starting to get to me and I didn't really had any way out of here since I totally forgot where to go or where I came from. 

Kallego: IRUMA!

The sudden shout made me jump and look back but oh boy was I glad to see Kallego there. He seemed out of breath but I was still soo glad to see him that I ran straight into his arms cuddling into him. Never did I thought that I would be this happy to have an adult around and especially seeing Kallego again in his own house.

Dragon: HISSSS!

Kallego: Shut up you damn lizard.

Me: I-I-I-

Kallego: It's okay... Everything is okay.

Of coure he picked me up and before that even wrapped his coat around me too. He seemed worried and not angry which I was thankful because I wasn't sure if I was even allowed to go down there as well. I might have messed up and I didn't wanted him to send me back to that boat.

Kallego: Hey, it's okay. Everything is fine. Are you hurt?

I could only shake my head for now as he carried me to a warmer room.

A little bit of Fluff for the heart XDWhere stories live. Discover now