Socialisation ...

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Kallego's POV:

I walk up to Sullivan's unnecessarily huge house. I knocked begrudgingly and rung the doorbell. Opera opened the door and blinked at me before letting me in.

Me: I'm not talking to you.

He nodded once before leading me to the living room.

Me: Sullivan, why did you steal the kid?

Sullivan: To see you.

Me: That's not an excuse old man.

Sullivan: It is not an excuse but a matter of fact.

Me: Fine fine fine... now what's the real reason?

Sullivan: He is a human child you have. I wonder why you haven't introduced him yet to me.

Me: Because maybe I didn't want you to meet him?

I stated, then looking at my nails

Sullivan: I am quite sad! How could you not introduce this lovely child. I hope you will enroll him.

Me: If you're so sad, theen wipe that grin off your face, and I would enroll him but I'm not sure how much he knows when it comes to education...

All attention shifted to Iruma.

Iruma: Hm? Why is everyone looking at me now?

Me: Iruma, when you were in your world, did you go to school?

Iruma: You mean getting taught?

Me: Yeah.

Iruma: I was getting taught but I never went to school.

Sullivan nodded once and then looked to the side.

Me: What's going through that bald head of yours Sullivan?

Sullivan: He might be perfect for your class of Misfits.

Me: He wouldn't, plus, he's a human. He doesn't have any magic.

Sullivan: I don't see a problem with that.

I rolled my eyes and thought about it.

I could let him...

It'll help me keep an eye on him...

But that class, they're so rowdy...

I don't want to put him in danger,

Especially if I'm not there.

Iruma: Is something wrong with not having magic and being human?

Opera: Should I tell him about the human delicacy thing?

Me: Opera...

Iruma: Huh..... can you say that again?

I groaned and sat in a chair, they just made my life 10 times harder.

Sullivan: Ah Kallego this is your job to explain it him as a father now.

Me; I'm not explaining shit, he could have gone his life not knowing, so you guys take responsibility.

I crossed my arms not leaving any room for arguments, Sullivan chuckled and Opera offered to explain.

Iruma: Please someone explain that to me. Did I even hear that right... human delicacy?

Opera: Yes.

Sullivan: No.

Me: They eat human here.

I watch Iruma go pale and he started sweating and eyes us, scared

Opera: It is believed that human meet and blood and basically everything is giving demons some powers.

Iruma: ... ahm....

Me: And what is that supposed to mean Iruma?

He looked at me and gulped.

Iruma: I don't want too.....

Me: Don't want to do what?

Iruma: Meet others thank you... We have a pact soo I belong to you... I don't mind you eating me but I am scared of others.

I frown slightly and placed a hand on his head.

Me: I'm not gonna force you to do anything you don't want kid. And I'm not gonna eat you.

Sullivan: Well this is quite concerning. He should be with others his age.

Me; I'm not gonna force him to do anything.

Iruma: But you can and I wouldn't regret it.

I sighed and ruffled his hair.

Me: Sullivan... If anything happens to him, I'll have your head.

He nodded and smiled.

Opera: Looks like someone might die.....

Me: Shut up Opera.

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