How cute

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Iruma's POV:

For some reason I didn't feel threatened by Kallego but by the other two demons in the room. I really didn't like hearing about the food kinda stuff. Who would like to know what is on the menu next? Of course human meat! Yeah hell no! I was not something people should be eating and snacking on. I am too worried for this shit as well.

Me: Kallego?

Kallego: Hm?

Me: Can we go home?

Kallego: Why?

Me: I am tired....

Kallego: Oh... I mean sure but tell me about your day.

Me: Well the day was nice, why are you asking?

Kallego: I just wanted to know.

Me: Oh....

Kallego: Yeah...

Opera: Relax! As if I would do anything to the child!

Kallego: Your implications say otherwise.

Opera: Yes but I showed him the underwater museum we have.

Kallego: Oh really?

Me: Mh... there were soo many monsters.

I think I messed up when I mentioned the word monsters because they looked at me as if I had just said something wrong. For me everything was a monster and a demon here. Nothing was normal but I felt safe around Kallego. He was the best out of them all and I really wanted him to be my father forever and ever.

Me: Kallego?

Kallego: Yeah kid?

Me: Can we ahm....

Kallego: Hm? *raises an eyebrow*

I was a bit nervous to ask him since I didn't really know how to ask about this. I hoped that he could perhaps also go on a walk or some places with me like a day with your dad out. I wanted to spend more time with him and I knew that at some point he would be busy with his own job. Now the question was what would I do in that time?

Me: .... Nothing...

No, I couldn't tell him what I wanted. I felt too embarrassed to do that plus I really didn't know how to tell him that. I was a human and I was a bit clingy since I never felt any kind of warmth before and here he was giving me the exact same security and love that I asked for.

Kallego: Iruma... Is everything alright kid?

Me: Mh-hm... I am fine.. I forgot what I wanted to ask.

Kallego: Is that so?

Me: Okay.

We both got out of the room and the house but he told me to wait outside for a bit and also put me down in the garden to wait there for him. Apparently he had to talk with Opera and Sullivan for a bit.

I wonder what he is talking about...

Will he throw me into that school?

I don't want to go to a school though!

I am scared...

There will be only demons around...

They will find out I am human!

I don't have wings or anything like that!

Was this really a good idea....

NO NO stop thinking like that!

Kallego is a good man!

I like being with him.

He is a great father way better than my parents!

As I waited for Kallego to come, I started looking around till I saw a cat. Well it was kinda a bit huge since it was the size of a dog but I still went towards it.

Me: Here kitty, kitty kitty.

It was a huge cat with small puffy wings. It looked soo cute as well and came over when I called it. Oh wow, I never thought I would pick up a cat this easily. When it came over it immediately started purring when it threw itself on the ground in front of me. Of course I started petting it as this was the cutest thing I have ever seen so far.

Me: Awww you're soo cute. I wonder where you came from.

Cat: Mew!

Me: Look at your white fur as well... and it's soo fluffy.

It seemed as if the cat was soo proud of my compliments because it stood up and started just throwing itself against my leg and standing up on two legs leaning against me. I had a soft heart for animals but this was simply just cute.

Me: ....I wonder if I can take you home with us....

A little bit of Fluff for the heart XDWhere stories live. Discover now