Someone I can call a son!

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Kallego's POV:

I looked down at the boy, I had grabbed another 'cookie', they tasted amazing, sue me. He looked thin, and pale. I circled his shaking frame, the anxiety rolled off him in waves. I poked his side, my sharp nail tore a hole in the thin shirt he wore.

Kid: Ah that too much?

I hummed, straightening my back.

Me: Did something happen to your parents? I meant... you're here, alone, your clothes are too thin, you'll freeze to death...

Kid: I ahm.... I never knew my real ones but that's fine. I have some adoptive ones. They are currently on vacation and I am helping them out with work.

He refused to look me in the eye. I stood in front of him and made him lookup at me, I examined his face, his blue eyes were dull, the childlike wonder I've seen in all human children was absent. His blue hair was fluffy, but still dirty, it barely reached his shoulders.

Me: You're tired... aren't you?

He blinked, seemingly not registering the question I just asked him.

Kid: Huh?... ahm... yeah... I've been doing this for a long time now....

A hum from me and I patted his hair.

Me: long is a long time?

I brush my fingers through his hair, dragging my nails across his scalp softly.

Kid: I don't know.... I can't really remember when it all started....but it's fine. I am used to it.

Me: How old are you kid?

I watched him relax slowly, his anxious aura slowly disappeared.

Kid: Oh I am 12 and I am Iruma Sir.

Me: Pleasure meeting you Iruma... I'm Kallego... and I have a deal for you...

Iruma: Likewise and wow... that's a cool name.

I chuckled.

Me: Be my son... till the day you die... then I shall take your soul... my only condition... is that you give me more cookies often.

Iruma: Okay! I can also cook a bit but I am not that good with cooking than baking... I can also do housework and other stuff. I am a quick learner so I can help around.

My eyes opened and I pulled away to pull out a contract.

Me: That's good to know... just sign here. And we'll leave all of this behind.

Iruma: I don't have anything to sign with though.....

He patted down his body and I pulled a pen out of thin air and offered it to him.

Me: Here...

Iruma: Thanks.

He took it graciously and signed his name. The paper glowed gold and once I signed it, it glowed purple, it disappeared in a pop of white light.

Me: Well now that that's done, I think it's time for us to go.

Iruma: Where?

Me: Home.

Iruma: But how? Aren't we out on the ocean miles away from land?

Me: We can stay on earth or we can go back to my world... it's your choice Iruma...

Iruma: I don't have anyone or anything valuable here.... And you probably have in your world and people would miss you if you would disappear so let's go back to your world. I don't want to trouble you more than I already have.

Me: I don't either, but don't worry about that...

I offered my hand to him. He took my hand and I pulled him close, I hid him behind me, under my coat, and snapped my fingers, in a second we were back in my house, the tea I was drinking was still on the ground, spilled.

Me: We're here, you can come out, there isn't anyone else here... so you can explore... I'll have to get you some clothes and stuff...

I started thinking, a notepad floated next to my head, a pen writing down the list of things needed as I mumbled the list.

Iruma: I am sorry.

Iruma's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

Me: It's fine... I've been interrupted in worst ways...

Iruma: I am still sorry.

Me: Iruma. It's alright.

I placed my hands on his shoulders, and spoke to him.


it's fine,

Opera has appeared randomly outside my bathroom while I was showering.

I shuddered at the memory. I took the paper and scrunched it up and sent it to Opera, he'd get me the things in about two hours.

Me: Iruma, you hungry?

He jumped, not expecting my sudden loudness, Iruma looked up from where he was examining a hellglobe and nodded.

Iruma: Should I cook?

I looked at him, he looked antsy, maybe I could use cooking as a way to distract him.

Me: Sure, if you want to little one, a... annoyance? Companion? Friend? Of mine is coming by with some things for you... so be ready for his sudden drop in...

A little bit of Fluff for the heart XDWhere stories live. Discover now