An accident... but I am confused

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Iruma's POV:

I was really not sure what was going on right now but I felt more than happy and I wanted to pay the demon back for getting me out of the ship. Everything was better than being there. Of course I didn't mind doing the cooking, and everything else like a servant. At least I would have a home and a nice person around who was not screaming at me all the time.

Me: Okay.

After just a bit of walking around we ended up in the kitchen and he let me explore it first. Honestly there were soo many things I never had actually seen before. Scratch that, I have never seen anything that was served right in front of me. I found a whole room that was filled with food but it looked all poisonous to me.

Me: ahm... what is this plant called?

I pointed over to something that looked like a mushroom from super mario and hoped that it was actually not like that in the game.

Kallego: We call it a Sēņu

After that I started to look around more and picked out a couple of stuff which looked ilke some vegetables including a huge black carrot and some other stuff. Kallego was a big help here since he was basically picking out the stuff from the small room. I then started cutting them into small pieces.

???: Kellego, I brought the stuff you wanted... I don't know why you need so much clothes but who am I to judge?

Me: ....

I was about to put boiling water over everything since I was actually stir frying everything first and had the boiling water in another pot making some tomato like souce there. That voice, however, surprised me soo much that I jumped out of old habits and let the pot go. It not only fell down but I also managed to burn my arm a bit as well. Thankfully Kallego had pulled me towards him or I would have more than that burn.

I messed up!

Why did I had to jump right now... he also warned me about someone coming over.

Why did I do that... he will think I am weird and then annul our contract.

He might throw me out as well...

Me: I am sorry.... I am really really sorry.... Please don't throw me out...

What do I do now?

What can I do now?

What about the food?

It must have been expensive. They looked soo unique and of fine quality too.

He must be angry...

Fear was written all over my face as I quickly shut my eyes close and waited for the slap or a hit to come. Normally if I would mess up something like that on the boat or anything, then someone would come over scold and punish me. I knew how valuable food was after all and I just wasted some.

Kallego: It's fine Iruma, *Hugs him* there's nothing wrong, it was an accident... I'm not going to throw you out little one...

I didn't expected him to hug me which made me freeze even more and stay quiet. I wasn't crying... well some tears fell down my cheek but that was about it. I was more shaking in fear since the punishments were engraved in my body.

Me: I... I am still sorry, you also warned me before.

Kallego: Hey, he scared me too...

Me: .....

???: Ah I am really sorry.... I am Opera and who might you be?

Me: Iruma. Nice to meet you Opera.

Slowly, I started to come out of the hug and turned around to look at the new demon to walk over and offer him the hand I had burned a bit thanks to what happened in order to shake it. He seemed younger than Kallego but somewhat of the same kind. Still I couldn't stop starring at the tail that was moving a bit.

Is he a cat?

He looks like one kinda.

It was fairly easy to distract myself. That is how I've always been and right now, I found his tale and the red hair soo much more interesting than what just happened.

Opera: Do you want to touch it?

Me: Sorry.

I knew that I was staring at it but to be this obvious made me blush out of embarrassment.

Opera: It's fine. If you want, you can.

Me: Mh.....

Of course I took the offer up and went to touch it as it looked lively and was actually soo soft as well. It took me a couple of minutes to actually stop being soo interested in it and look around the kitchen to start cleaning the mess up. It was really easy to see something that I could use and without asking nor thinking, I started to walk over to a chair and get a towel which seemed to be used for cleaning. However it was Kallego who took it away from my hands and I could only look confused at the man right now.

Why is he looking at me like that?

Did I do something wrong again?

I spilled it... I should clean it up.

Why is he looking soo anxious or worried?

I don't get it.

Am I wrong?

Shouldn't I have petted the tail?

Was that rude?

What do I do?

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