I am safe here!

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Kallego: Better now?

Me: Mh....

Kallego had brought me to the kitchen and made us some kind of drink which tates like hot coca and then let me sit on the counter. He basically put me there himself while he was doing all the drinks for us. Besides that he also made some breakfast but it was just something light and sweet like pancakers but mini version of them and they were soo cloudy well I mean they were this fluffy like a  cloud and it was helping me get down from the thright that I got downstairs.

Kallego: Can you tell me why you were there?

Me: I was looking for you.

Kallego: In the basement?

Me: Got lost....

Kallego: I thought so already.... are you okay?

Me: ....

Kallego: Hey, did something happen?

Me: I thought I saw you there.

Kallego: Me? 

Me: Yeah! You just vanished in thin air though!+

Kallego: It seems as if you had met it.

Me: It?

Kallego: *sigh* It is a shadow which keeps the property in check and cleans up around the house.

Me: So it is a ghost?

Kallego: Not really. It is hard to explain but the simpliest way would be to say that it is made out of magic and not an entity at all.

Me: Huh...

I didn't really get what he meant but I had a feeling that even if he would explain it,  I wouldn't get it at all since it sounded as if it had something to do with magic which was nonsense to me. It did exist and all but I couldn't do anything with it too.

Kallego: Don't worry. It won't hurt you.

Me: Okay.

Kallego: How do you like you new pet?

Me: I- I wanted to ask you who it is!

Kallego: A simple pet but it is your pet.

Me: My pet.... Really mine?

Kallego: Yes. It seemed as if you liked Sullivan's .....cat.... a lot.

Me: It was very fluffy.

Kallego: I see.... 

Me : Does it have a name?

Kallego: No and it is a he.

Me: Can I name it?

Kallego: Who else than you?

Me: ....hmmmmmmm.... then I want to name it Sivax!

Kallego: Sivax?

'Me: Yes.

Kallego: You heard it.


The small dragon seemed really happy with the new name as it jumped down to my lap and then around me to the point that Kallego sighed and then shoed it away from the kitchen table.

Kallego: Seems like we will have to train it soon.

Me: Train?

Kallego: It is a dragon and will be your protector too.

Me: Why protector? I have you.

Kallego: Hahahaha I just want to be safe and since you gave it a name it is now bonded to you.

Me:...... Ohhh....

Kallego: It's nothing bad. Don't worry about it.

I took what Kallego said as true without thinking about it. Not as if it would have helped me out since I had zero clues about all this dragon, demon, monster and magic kind of stuff. I was scred to go out in the demon world and loved it home. Still I knew that sooner or later I for sure would need to go out. Was this the environment I wanted to have though?

That I didn't know...

In fact the more I spend time down here, I started to feel as if I have become lazy. Back in the days there were times I had to be up 24/7. Not often but every now and then I was up for a whole week which then resulted in me completly sleeping for 3 days straight. Anyways, I was always doing something and I never had soo much free time. Besides Kallego will need to get back to teaching the kids and so on. I knew he was a teacher and I knew about Sullivan and the school. 

Now the question was... what would I do then?

Was I really ready to be alone at home for hours?

Wouldn't I get bored?

Was there something I could do then?

Help out?

Or be useful.

I was sure that at some point I would beg this demon to bring me to a place where I had something to do. By then I wouldn't care what it was because boredome would have killed me anyways and being eaten wouldn't be that bad or so I thought. 

This was all just a thought that crossed my mind as I was looking at Kallego chasing Sivax as it just stole some pancakes from his hand. 




One thing was for sure...

My life was defintely not the same anymore.

I felt safe here and I loved being here without regretting anything at all.

A little bit of Fluff for the heart XDWhere stories live. Discover now