It goes on

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Kallego POV

I watched Iruma stare at me in horror, like he was expecting me to hit him, I gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

Me: Hey, I'm not mad, I just don't want you getting hurt. Why don't you go with Opera and I'll finish the food alright?

Iruma: I don't know him though... ..

Me: I know... how about if you behave and let Opera deal with that burn, I'll let you help.

He stayed silent and thought about it. Opera walked up to us and raised an eyebrow slightly as he saw Iruma thinking.

Opera: What did you say to him, Kallego?

Me: I'm giving him an choice.

Opera: Normally, you'd speak with finality... what changed? Especially with this human...

My friend looked at me, he was frowning slightly, arms crossed.

Me: Because we made a deal...

Opera: You've made deals with other people before Kallego. Stop trying to avoid giving me an answer.

Me: Alright fine...

I stayed silent for a minute.

Opera: Well?

Me: I'm thinking, hold on... it's not that easy to explain...

Opera: What do you mean? Kallego, what did you do?

Me: We made a deal... He offered me his soul and I'm now his... what do the humans call it?... Parental figure...

Opera: Oh my...

Me: Yeah...

Opera: Wait till I tell Lord Sullivan about this. He'll have a field day.

I tense and stared at him.

Me: You are not telling that doofus nothing.

He smirked and waved me off.

Opera: And what's stopping me?

Me: The fact that Iruma has grown on you, I saw your tail swaying when he was petting you.

Opera pursed his lips and nodded.

Opera: You're right... Fine, I won't...

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

Me: Thanks...

Opera: But I can visit in my free time right?

Me: Sure, just call first.

He nodded and then someone was pulling on my sleeve. Looking down, I saw it was Iruma.

Me: Made your decision yet?

He nods and holds looks up at me.

Iruma: Mh! I'll go with the red cat.

Me: Opera, can you look him over?

Opera nodded and led Iruma to the bathroom. I stayed in the kitchen and cleaned up the mess. Once finished, I picked up where Iruma left off. At the same time, Iruma and Opera were exiting the bathroom.

Me: Is he alright?

Opera nodded and patted Iruma's hair.

Opera: Yeah,just a small burn and a bruise on his stomach, he has some old wounds and healing bruises but, he's fine.

Iruma made his way over to me and took the spoon from me that I was using to stir the pot.

Iruma: How about you prepare something to offer your friend?

Me: Wow. Rude.

Opera laughed and patted my shoulder.

Opera: Don't be sad Kallego...

Me: I'm not sad.

Iruma started cutting some things and was putting them in the soup. I watch closely, he looked relaxed.

Me: It's good to see you calm Iruma.

Iruma: I like this place.. . Better than what I know.

Me: mhm, I know where you're coming from...

Opera checked his watch and sighed.

Opera: I should get back to lord Sullivan, I'll see you around Kallego, Iruma.

Me: Bye.

Iruma: Bye Mr. red Cat.

He waved and finished the food. When he finished sharing the food he handed me a bowl.

Iruma: It's good.

Me: I'm sure it tastes delicious Iruma.

I smiled and took a bite.

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