It's HUGE!

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Kallego's POV:

I exit the house and saw Iruma playing cuddled up to a big mountain cat, the same one Sullivan had bought as a pet.

Me: Iruma, we're going now.

Iruma: Alright.... See you little fella.....

I chuckle as he runs up to me.

Me: He's not so small is he?

Cat: MREW! Mew!

Me: No, I'm not calling you fat.

Iruma: But he is soo cute!

Iruma stared up at me with big, puppy dog eyes. The cat was next to him, rubbing itself on my leg purring.

Me: Iruma... He's Sullivan's, we can't just steal his pet.

Iruma: I didn't say anything.

Cat: MEW!

I threw an incredulous look at Iruma who smiled innocently.

Lying little human

Maybe I should get him a pet...

Me: C'mon, it's getting late...

Iruma: Mh! See you little kitten! Bye

We walk out of the gate together. My house wasn't that far away so I decided we could walk there.

Iruma: You could put me down... I am heavy...

Me: No, I don't have a problem with it...

He nodded and grinned, as I crouched and he hopped on my back. His arms were around my neck, I held his legs so he won't fall. I continued walking and he told me about his day, I listened as he spoke and offered my input to tell him about the things at the museum.

Iruma: What about that reptile like one?

Me: Yeah, that specific one alone in that species can breath on land and in the water.

He nodded in understanding and kept talking. His happiness radiated off of him in waves.

Me: Are you happy Iruma?

His rambling stopped, he looked at me, his cheek on my shoulder and his big, innocent blue eyes looked thoughtful.

Why is he looking at me like that?

He looks like that girl I used to babysit when I was younger,

so innocent and full of life...

I wonder what she's doing now?

Iruma: I am.

Me: Are you sure?

He stayed silent, I walked on. The silence was tense, the only sound was our breathing and my footsteps

Iruma: mh!

I hummed and smiled to myself.

Me: I'm glad to hear that...

Iruma: Is something wrong?

Me: Oh... it's just what Sullivan and Opera said when I sopoke to them...

Iruma: What was that?

Me: Don't worry about it kid...

A hum and the silence returned. A night bug was making noise and hopped across the road in front of us.

Iruma: What is that? It's huge!

Me: A bug... a night bug to be precise...

Iruma: No way! That's.... That thing is half my size!

I unconsciously took a step back, I hated those creatures.

Me: Of all the times to see one...

Iruma: Is it dangerous?

Me: No, they're just noisy, annoying and hard to get rid of... the only thiing dangerous is how quickly they breed.

Iruma: Then what are we supposed to do?

Me: Wait.

We stood there for 5 minutes before the bug hopped away, a loud rustling sound from its wings were loud.

Iruma: I don't like that....

Me: Yeah... me neither.

I increased my pace as I walked once more. The bugs were scary, even fully grown demons were scared of these things.

Iruma's arms tightened their grip as I walked brissly, We finally reach back home and entered.

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