Tickle monster

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Kallego POV

When I woke up the next morning I smelt food, it smelt delicious. I got up and went to the kitchen and saw Iruma at the stove, he was still wearing his pajamas and was wearing an apron as well, He was humming to himself.

Iruma: Mh~Mh-mh~Mh-mhhhh~

I chuckled quietly and walked forward, andd leaned on the wall.

Me: Morning Iruma...

Iruma: Morning Kallego. Food will be ready in a few.

Me: Mhm, ok... where did you get the apron?

Iruma: Opera came here earlier he gave me this and this letter for you.

I spotted the letter and picked it up, Iruma was still moving around the kitchen.

Me: Did he happen to say what it was about? Or who it was from?

Iruma: Ahm... I forgot the name... sorry but I think called him something with S. ... or was it M....

Groaning, I dragged my hand down my face, my nails scraping my face slightly.

Me: Sullivan?

Iruma: Ah yes, that was it. Is that bad?

Fucking hell,

What does he want?

It could range from a staff meeting,

To a new idea, for torturing students he needed my personal help with.

Me: That's the thing Iruma, you never know...

He nodded and his face morphed into one of concern.

Iruma: then how about looking at it? Oh and here coffee.

I ruffled his hair as he handed me a cup of coffee.

Me: Thanks for the coffee kid. I'm not even sure if I want to read it...

The letter felt heavy in my hand.

Me: After breakfast.

He nodded and we sat at the table, I kept eyeing the envelope throughout breakfast, when we finished, I changed out of my sleepwear and into some casual clothes. When Iruma found me on the couch, still staring at the unopened letter.

Iruma: Why not now... it doesn't hurt. Maybe it's something important.

Me: Do I really have to open it?

I was seriously considering to not open it. Iruma walked up to me and took the letter out of my hand.

Iruma: Yes? Can I open it if you don't wanna?

I sighed, and nodded. He opened it and immediately a puff of rainbow colored glitter exploded in his face. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my hand.

Iruma: *coughing* Pretty *cough**cough**cough*

Me: Let me help get it out your hair.

Iruma: *cough* thanks.

He moved next to me, glitter raining from him with every movement. I used a little bit of magic to help get it out and then grabbed a vacuum.

Iruma: Pretty though!

Me: it gets everywhere, I swear, if he wasn't my boss, I'd hex him.

Iruma laughed and dusted his clothes off, I pointed the vacuum at him and he looked at me in confusion

Iruma: But this is kinda fun. Please don't be mad at him.

Me: I'm not mad, just annoyed, he does this often.

Iruma: Glitterbombs?

Me: Pranks, he's my boss and thinks I need to loosen up. Too bad I never will.

I smirked and started dusting off his clothes, the glitter he missed was vacuumed up.

Iruma: Hey....! Why are you... stop it... hahahahahahah... it's tickling!

He laughed as I lightly dusted him off, I chuckled before I started tickling him.

Me: What's tickling you Iruma?

Iruma: You're being me-hhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Me: Oh me? I'm being what?

Iruma: MEA-hahahahahhahaha stop.... Hahahahahah please.....hahahah sto haha... I can't!

I stopped and he flopped back onto the couch, he was breathless and was letting out small giggles in between breaths.

Me: Are you ok?

Iruma: No... hahah.... Ha... my stomach... it hurts... too much....

Me: Should I get you some water?

He tried to move but his arms just fell back down as he started giggling again.

Iruma: No... just give me time.....

A little bit of Fluff for the heart XDWhere stories live. Discover now