Welcome to Babyls!

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It seems that Kallego was really mad because all of the sudden I could see a three headed dog which I already knew was hit pet. A really nice one and I could play with it from time to time. Well I did twice for now but now that I have Sivax, I was more carying for my little hatchling than Cerberus.


Sullivan: You are too late.

Kallego: What did you do?

Sullivan: Welcome Iruma as a fellow teacher.

Kallego: Are you insane now? He has the same age as our students.

Sullivan: And this is my school.

Kallego: Did you agree to this Iruma?

Me: Yeah...

Kallego: Do you know what it means to teach?

Me: No but Sullivan said I could do some teambuilding and just teach them some stuff I know.

Kallego: What is teambuilding?

Sullivan: Something we all should lean about. It defines our true belives, survival of the fittest.

Kellgo: You are getting him into troubles...

Sullivan: He will be safe as Cerberus will be with him at all time.

Kallego only sighted before he came over to me and confirmed with me that this was really something I agreed to. I did and I really wanted to try it out which was how we eneded up going to the abnormal class since I was getting one hour a day with them and Cerberus there. I could design my class to be as I wanted them and I didn't had any preasure at all.

Kallego: Are you really sure about this?

Me: I wanna try it.

Kallego: I will be standing here outside the door waiting for you.

Me: Thanks.

With that I was left with Cerberus and a bunch of kids not knowing what was going on.

Me: Hello everyone. I am Iruma and I am the new teacher.

???: New one huh..


???: Is that a dragon hatchling?

???: And the colors! That is not a normal hatchling too.

Cerberus: GRRRR!

One of the classmember stood up and was about to get closer to me if not for Cerberus growling and making the student go back to his seat. This was actually not that bad because I got a bit anxious there. Now I knew that these two were having my back no matter what was about to happen.

Me: It is and this right here is Sivax and I am sure you all know Cerberus already.

They all seemed interested in the familiars and how I was actually handling them quite easily. I mean I did decide to actually start petting Cerberus for the big guy to calm down a bit. 

Me: Now then, today I want to talk about the topic of survival of the fittest and what it means. 


Just like that I started to talk about how humans used to be. It was once survival of the fittest until we got to the points of tribes and after tribes we had kingdoms and now we have a society. It all evolved and we are stronger together now than what we used to be alone or even in a family. 

Every single one of them in class was listening to me and was actually asking me some questions about how that was possible and why one should do that. I did explain to them that there was muteral benefits and so on. After a while we dirfted off talking about familiars which I didn't know a lot about but for me they seemed like more dangerous pets which should be treated acordingly.

Well they mainly wanted to know how someone as young as me was actually having such a great time with a dragon and cerberus. 

It was fun not gonna lie and when the bell rang, I was more than jsut happy to have talked to people my age. I may not be a real teacher to teach them some stuff like math or a language or anything like that. 

Anyways once I got out of the class I was met with Kallego who recalled Cerberus and was taking me to the teachers office.

Kallego: How was it?

Me: Fun.

Kallego: You don't have to lie to me. I know that this class is hard to deal with.

Me: They weren't though. 

Kallego: What?

Me: They were interested in what I was saying and listened in. I even promised to come back tomorrow and teach them a bit more.... well if I am allowed to.

Kallego: Sure. You can do whatever you want. I just can't believe you tamed these little demons.

He ruffled my head and we had a great time together as he was showing me around and tellling me stories about this class. Honestly I never would have thought that I would end up as a teacher in the demon world but here I was. To top it off, it was kinda fun being together with my father and Opera even Sullivan as weird as he was, was actually really fun to be with. They all were super nice to me and gave me time to adjust and just be myself. Never and I mean never did anyone force me to do anything I didn't liked.

Oh well long story short, I was now a teacher and I was living the best life I could have ever thought about just all thanks to Kallego.

He was my hero and my saviour. 

Anyone can call him a demon because he was one but for me he was my little protective angel. Not as if I was about to tell him that.

Kallego: Iruma, are you really happy with your choice. You can always quit you know.

Me: I know but I like it. Besides I know I'll get bored at home.

Kallego: Alright but if anyone touches you, they will be dead meat for sure.

Me: Kay.

Kallego: No kaying me. Promise you will call for me if you ever need help.

Me: I will. Don't worry. I have the summoning circle with me at all times.

Kallego: Good.

You know... hell aka this underworld was not that bad. I was really enjoying it here and I would continue staying here with my father and sticking being a teacher at Babyls.


A/N: Thank you all for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it too. Muffin thanks for starting this with me. I hope like how it turned out as well. 

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