Skibidi Toilet Episode 9

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We eventually arrive at the Center of Skibidi Society. I get out first, then Plunger and finally both Dart and Brown come out holding the Vandalizing Tools.

Plunger grabbed a Spray Can and seeing a Small Skibidi trying to head butt him. Immediately sprayed the paint in the Skibidi's mouth. I chuckle a little before I stomped the small Skibidi Toilet. Brown went over to the monument of the first Skibidi Toilet. Dart was close by standing guard. Me and Plunger went around the alleyways and sprayed the Camera Symbol on all the walls we could find.

Plunger and I were discussing plans for any upgrades to ourselves.

Plunger spoke out first as he sprayed a Camera Symbol on the alleyway wall, "I heard they are making Jetpacks. I wanna get one soon." I looked at him confused but shrugged, "I mean what ever floats your boat Plunger. I mean I might get one sooner or later. But who knows. I might just grapple onto things." I spoke out as Plunger chuckled, "Just like I expect you aren't really the flying type. You charge into battle guns blazing. Not because your confident. Because you know you have a chance." I spoke again, "I wonder when this war will ever end." Plunger sighed, "It will never end. Cameras will flash?" I finish his sentence with pride, "Toilets will fall."

We both hear sirens and the familiar sound of a group of Skibidi Toilets. We turn to see them with police sirens on their tops where the flushing mechanism is. Plunger joked a little, "They seem a bit slow." I laughed before as if getting a bright idea. Whispered it to Plunger who nodded.

We start dancing our way to Dart and Brown who were vandalizing the Toilet Monument as we moonwalked. We see numerous Police Skibidis. Luckily they we all really slow so we just had a small stroll back to our squad car.

Brown of course wanted to mock the Police Skibidi Toilets by default dancing on one he flushed.

I laughed as Dart shook her head seeing the risk of Brown getting hurt. Plunger didn't really mind it. Just found it entertaining.

We all get back into the Squad Car and drive off.

Plunger then spoke the second our squad got a transmission for a new mission. "Seems like we have ourselves a Church to raid." Brown spoke next confused, "Wait.. They have religion? I mean is there a Toilet Jesus?" He joked as Dart chuckled a little, "Maybe but we have a Job to do. Brown keep your eyes on the road please." Brown nodded as I spoke last, "Well then gang? Let's raid this cult." Plunger, Dart, and Brown spoke seeing me as the De-facto Commander..

"Yes! Boss!"

If only we saw the meaning behind this.. Soon.. Something..


Author's Note,

Season 3 is on the go! Episode 9-11.

And of course! Stay Frosty Software gang!

My Time in Skibidi Toilet (Author's/Reader's POV) (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now