Skibidi Toilet Episode 12 (Pre Time Skip Finale)

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I flew using my 3 stories tall form to the location seeing Titan Cameraman fight off G-Toilet. I quickly try and assist but I get tackled by something else.

I quickly push it off and grew into my Giant 6 stories sized form.

Getting ready to fight. I see it..

What the... WHAT THE HELL?!?

I quickly block a strike from it's numerous chainsaw arms. Jumping and flying in the air as I use my shoulder rifles to do ranged damage. But I don't expect the creature to fly up to meet me.

We clash chainsaws as I examine it..

It was like that one Skibidi Toilet at the start of the dark age.. Skibidi Man.. But it's bigger.. More Robotic... Upgraded to match my size and attack power. I grab it's head and try to slam my forearm chainsaw into it.

But it.. Retracted it's head back into the Toilet before head butting me in the camera.

I kick it away and fly back to do a charge tackle.

Before I get hit with numerous small Flying Skibidi Toilets that exploded on impact distracting me from the two laser beams hitting my back. I turn again to see the Star Skibidi shooting it's eye beams at me. On my left and right were two flying Skibidi Carriers who shot out small Skibidi Toilets that flew towards me to explode on impact. And I still had to deal with the Creature who was getting ready to charge tackle at me.

I quickly fly up and keep my range advantage..

I'm taking to many hits.. I need to deal with the Skibidi Carriers first.

I fly down and charge tackle the one that was on my right. Grabbing it and flushing. Before throwing it towards the other one causing it to explode.

I needed to deal with the Creature and Star Skibidi next... How do I..

Wait.. Size changing technology...


As I dodge the Creature's Charge Tackle. I quickly shrink down to a size more maneuverable 3 Stories tall.

I weave and fly across the air towards the Star Skibidi while making my shoulder rifles aim at the Creature making it keep it's distance.

I quickly return to my 6 Stories tall form and basically do a foot ball tackle. Forcing it to the ground before flushing. I quickly get tackled in the back by the creature.

I kick it off and try to fly away. But it ripped apart my Jetpack. So I had to rely on my size changing and other skills..

I also keep tabs on the Titan Cameraman and G-Toilet Battle.. G-Toilet is putting up a good fight especially after Rocket Skibidi broke Titan Cameraman's Shield. But they are still brawling a few blocks away.

I size change again to maneuver across roof tops changing back to my Giant form to deal quick damage.

This thing...

It can retract it's head.. It's toilet is sturdy as hell.. I can't even leave scratches on it. And it has 4 Chainsaws connected to 4 Skibidi Heads...

God.. This thing is a Mutant.. I maneuver to see where the heads are coming from.. it's another Toilet fused into it's back. And the flushing mechanism seems to be covered up by metal welding.

Must have been a last minute decision...

I keep jumping across rooftops. Dodging as much as I can...

I change back to my Giant size to tackle it to the ground. I pay no mind to the Skibidi Scientist on a nearby roof. I quickly keep it's head up to prevent it from retracting before ripping it to shreds.. But before that I hear numerous stabbing sounds and what looks like...

A parasite? I turn to the left to see Brown and Plunger giving me a thumbs up on each of my shoulder. Dart was on a nearby building trying to catch up to the Skibidi Scientist. But.. It flew away using the same technology as the Glitch Toilet..

"Thanks for the assist.."

Plunger spoke next, "Don't mention it.. Either way we gotta report back to HQ.. to report about this.." He gestured to the dead parasite. I speak next, "Yeah.. We gotta deal with it.. What about Titan Cameraman? What happened in his fight..?" I pray for the best.

Dart spoke up, "Titan Cameraman isn't infected.. He is just severely damaged.. He will get his repairs soon.. However you need repairs too.." She gestures to my damaged Jetpack and rifles.

I nodded before turning back to my normal size of an large cameraman and getting on an new Squad Car.

I watch Brown drive as Dart and Plunger kept an eye out.. Brown looked funny driving with 4 arms.

I finally enter power saving mode.. and black out.


I flew back to base using the Technology I've perfected.. Project Hero was a bust.. and G-Toilet is damaged...

I need to quickly turn the tides of battle..

And fast..

I can't lose..




I angrily turn to my next project. I need to rush things before the next line of Androids are made..

I turn to the next set of projects. It will be done in a few weeks. After I finish with Project Strider and repair Project Rocket...





Author's Note,

Before you ask.. Why am I speeding up the Series? Because In the end. This series will soon enough become it's own AU and Timeline.

Our POV has affected too much. And well it's the result. And now Skibidi Scientist will be working twice as hard.

And for Project Parasite 2.0.. You all might see it during the original appearance of the Scientist.

And remember!

Stay Frosty Software Gang!

My Time in Skibidi Toilet (Author's/Reader's POV) (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now