[Five] Meeting

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Aisha leaned back in her seat, her elbow placed on the chair's arm while her cheek rested on her fist. She stared at the holy man in front of her, who was smiling. She never understood why people worshiped him as if he was some kind of God. All she saw was another bastard who was able to manipulate others during a tough period for his own personal gain. 

"Nice office," Father James said. 

Aisha observed her office, not because she didn't know how it looked like, but she doubted the priest was sincere with his words and she began looking for faults. The bronze curtains allowed the sunlight to pass through and brighten up her office, revealing the strong, red color on the walls. Next to the window there was a small round table with a vase on it. Inside the vase was a flower blooming at the touch of the sun. But that wasn't it. Something in there wasn't right and she didn't know what it was.

She looked at Father James. "How was your trip?" She faked a smile.

"It was wonderful, thank you," the frenchman replied. "I know we haven't seen each other in a while..." It had been almost five years. "... but you look great. You have gained a lot of weight, but nonetheless you look terrific."

Aisha bit her lower lip in anger. "Thank you," she replied. "You don't look bad yourself... I mean amidst all the rumors about your church molesting young boys, you seem to be in great shape. At least one of us has been heavily working out."

"What are you implying?" Father James narrowed his eyes.

"You're a good priest, Father James. That's all." She didn't want to provoke the man. She wasn't scared of him, but she was smart enough to know he could turn the world against her, and she didn't need that when her main priority was turning her nation into a powerhouse. 

She opened the top drawer of her desk and took out a couple of documents. She placed them on her desk and reached for the pen that hung from the hem of her collar. "When did you arrive?" she asked, trying to lighten up the sour mood that had corrupted the room.

"Last night. How's your feminism campaign? Are you still trying to achieve equality for all women?" Father James was never a true believer of equality. He saw it as a pathetic attempt from women who were trying to feel relevant again. Eve, the first woman in history, was created from Adam's rib, thus her main purpose was to heal him. So he surmised that women were given life to serve men, not rule a country like the way Aisha was doing.

"Yes, I am." Aisha nodded as she went through the documents.

Some people disagreed that she was a feminist because most of her staff was comprised of women, who were given high ranking jobs, while the men got the dirty work like cleaning toilets and washing cars. She saw those people as idiots. Feminism's main issue was fighting for both equal pay and equal job opportunities. Giving someone an opportunity to prove they were worth the job they wanted was different from actually hiring them. And she wasn't ready to let herself hire someone who wasn't qualified because most people complained about it. It was just a coincidence that the women who went to her in search of work were more qualified than the men, nothing else.

"I heard your husband was caught with multiple escorts inside your home, is it true? Do you want me to pray for him?" Father James smiled a bit. Ever since he heard the news he couldn't help but be happy. Aisha's personal life was bad and he loved it.

Aisha glanced at him and chuckled before saying. "I heard rumors you had fathered seven minors, is it true? Did you pray for yourself?" She was never shy of saying whatever was on her mind, even when it was to criticize the priest, that's why Father James hated her. She was his top critic, always questioning his motives, and he hated anyone who questioned him.

He gave a fake smile. "Don't believe everything you hear." He watched her go through the documents, smiling from time to time. Was there something funny he wrote in there? Aisha was supposed to sign the deal and hand him the papers, not smile as though she was reading a funny article. "I heard the introduction of the Cyborg Program went well." 

"Yes, it did. Now no country can take advantage of us." She gazed back at the documents. "Are you sure you want me to sign them, or do you want to go through them one more time?"

"Sure." He took the documents and began going through them one at a time. "This isn't what I sent to you." He shook his head, his eyes going from one paragraph to another.  

"Oh, about that... I didn't like some of the things in there so I changed them." She shrugged. "I hope you take the new deal though. I really would love to do business with you." She was hoping he would take back his offer and leave. The only reason she agreed to it was because almost all the powerful people in Mega Dar begged her to accept it.

"You even changed the ratio of profits?" He stared at the piece of paper in shock.

"I couldn't let you take sixty while my country takes forty. I am not dumb. I've seen the deals you've done with the European nations and the Americans... You gave them fifty-fifty deals, and since my country is seen as a weak nation, I want sixty percent. If you have a problem with it," she pointed towards the door, "you can leave."

Father James' jaw clenched. Who did she think she was to make such demands of a man of his stature? Didn't she know with one snap from his fingers, he could have her pathetic little nation burned to the ground? He was the one to decide what percentage a country gets, not them.  

Calm down, James. We need this deal, remember that. We're here to bring peace to the world, not start another war.

He took a deep breath. "Alright," he said. "Tanzania will get sixty percent of the profits." As much as it pained him, he had to accept the loss. "I understand your nation's economy is experiencing a downfall and it's only right for you to demand a higher portion." Deep down, he knew the country was easy to exploit and he didn't want to miss his chance. For now he would play her way. 

"Good." Aisha grabbed the documents from his hands, signed them, then placed them on her desk. "Now I'm telling you this kindly... Get the fuck out of my country."

Father James grabbed the documents and got to his feet. "Shalom, my dear. God be with you." He walked towards the door and grabbed the doorknob, then turned towards her. "I almost forgot, I have a present for you. You'll love it." He walked out.

Aisha was left confused. Why would he give her a present? Wasn't accepting the deal enough to make him leave? Now he had to shower her with gifts? A few minutes passed and she could hear loud footsteps heading her way. She got out of her seat, not knowing what to expect.

Father James came into the office. "This gift is from God. I hope you like them." He left.

"Them?" Aisha's brow quivered. A few seconds later a crowd of men, women and children locked in chains walked into her office. There were more than a hundred of them crowding the small office space, forcing her to remain in her seat as there was no other way for her to leave. The air got foul by the second. The people hadn't had a bath in forever and now she was suffering for it.  

"He did this on purpose." She took out her phone and dialed Josef. "Josef, come to my office now."

"Alright," Josef replied.

"Oh, and Josef?"


"The next time we see Father James, remind me to kill him."

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