[Eighteen] The Escape

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Gina was given a tiara made from car parts as an accessory for the wedding. She had declined the marriage offer after Nipp left, but when the woman threatened her life, Gina couldn't say no.

Knives, spears and guns were pointed at her. With her hands raised, Gina walked to where the wedding was being held. On the sides were flowers that the women had managed to find to make it more romantic, even though it was far from it since they were excreting green fluid and a horrible smell.

Gina tried to cover her nose, but one of the women smacked the back of her head and she raised her hands. "You're her wives too, huh?" 

"Shut up," the one who smacked her said. She had a mean face on.

"Aren't you jealous she always marries the next piece of ass she sees?" 

"Shut. Up."

"I'm not going to lie, although polygamy is an interesting thing, I prefer monogamy best. You know, mano a mano. Or in this case, womano a womano." Gina laughed. "I don't even think that's how it's used."

"She talks a lot," one of the others said. "Like the boy she came with."

"You guys talking about Nipp? Whatever happened to him?" Gina asked.

"Don't worry about your prisoner. He'll make a great specimen." They laughed together. Gina was left confused.

They arrived at the ceremony. Mary was dressed in a long white dress, looking like a proper bride, ready to be whiskered away into the beauty that was marriage life. But once Gina got close, she saw the dirt and blood that covered the dress.

"Beautiful," she lied, knowing that was what the crazy woman wanted to hear.

"Really?" Mary spun in place. "Thank you." She was a child stuck in an adult's body. A smart child in an adult's body in that case. "I can't wait to make you my..." She began counting her fingers, then laughed. "I have too many wives to count. Either way, let's proceed."

A short girl, around the age of twelve, came forward from the group of women that gathered. She must have arrived recently since she had the newest version of the chip on her chest, unlike the others. The girl stood between Gina and Mary and said, "We are gathered here to witness the union between our leader, Mary, and the new recruit, Gina."

Recruit? Gina thought.

The girl continued, "Anyone opposing this marriage?" She looked around and saw no one. "Good." She looked back at Gina and Mary. "I now pronounce you wife and wife."

"Wait, that's it?" Gina asked.

"Yes. Now, you may kiss the bride."

Mary grabbed Gina's hands, pulled her close and gave her a wet kiss. It took Gina by surprise and she stood there, eyes open, feeling Mary's tongue in her mouth. 

Once Mary was done, Gina rubbed her mouth with the back of her hand. Yuck. "Great." She smiled. "What now?"

Mary placed a hand on Gina's chest. "Now we go back to my room and-"

The large gate at the front was destroyed like it was nothing. A wind of dust whooshed over them before monstrous roars filled the air. 

"They are here," Gina said, looking at where the sound came from.

"The grenos?" Fear consumed Mary's face.  She looked at one of her wives. It was the teenage gatekeeper. "I thought you said there weren't many?"

"That's what she said," the girl replied, pointing at Gina.

Gina raised her hands. "I told her there were too many."

"Shut up!" Mary screamed. "Everyone, divide and conquer. Now!" 

They dispersed in an instant, leaving Gina standing there. Not wanting to be greno meat, she ran towards one of the houses. I have to save Nipp. There was a greno outside, staring at her, waiting. If only she had a weapon. But she couldn't let it stop her. 

She increased her speed and made it as though she was going to jump up, then slid down, tricking the greno as it went up to try and catch her. Gina shouldered the house's door. It was already hanging by a thread, so it didn't require that much strength to make it open.

Looking around, there were many men chained. Some were naked, others were half naked and the rest were still clothed. "So many cells," she muttered as she passed one after the other. "Nipp, where are you?" she called. When she got no reply, she shouted, "Nipp!"

"Who is it?" a voice in a cell ahead said.

"Nipp, is that you?" Gina asked. She gave a sigh of relief once she saw him clothed. "What do they do to men in here? And why are some naked and unconscious?"

"Less questions and more trying to free me," Nipp said. "And oh, I found Robert." He nodded towards the cell behind Gina. 

Gina turned and saw Robert barely able to keep his eyes open. "Robert, what have they done to you?" 

"Long story... Gina. And... from the screams outside... I'd say we don't have time... to chat," he said.

"Right." She pulled the gate to Nipp's cell. It was locked. Looking around, she saw nothing she could use to open it. "I'll be right back." She rushed outside and nearly got mauled by a greno, managing to escape its claws by an inch. 

There was a woman dead on the ground. Gina spotted a bunch of keys hanging around her waist. But she couldn't get to her. The greno was standing over the woman's body, glancing between the corpse and Gina.

I'm screwed. She need to think and act quick. Time was running out. More of Mary's wives were being eaten, and soon, the grenos would come for her and the imprisoned men. 

She grabbed a rock and threw it at the creature. It ducked. She grabbed another and threw it again. It ducked again, smiling this time. It was as if it was taunting her. 

There's only one way to do this. Gina took in a deep breath, pushing her fears to the side, then charged towards the greno. Upon getting close to it, she used one of her hands to keep it away from her, while the other hand was used for getting the keys.

The greno bit her hand and she screamed in pain before it was shot in the head. She turned to see who shot it and saw Mary holding a rifle. The woman nodded at her before leaving. 

Gina ran back inside the house and freed Nipp first. The two hugged. Then she freed Robert before hugging him too. 

"What now?" Nipp asked.

"We free the others, then we leave," Gina said.

"Where will we go? And we have no way of outrunning the grenos," Robert said.

Gina and Nipp looked at each other and smiled.

"What?" Robert asked.

"You'll see," Nipp said.

After they freed the other prisoners, the three ran for it. Dead body after dead body they passed. Some were still children. Gina couldn't look at them anymore. The skin on their faces had been eaten, and it nearly made her puke. She wanted to cry. Children weren't supposed to be in these kinds of situations. They had their whole lives to look forward too instead of being forced to be warriors at the pleasures of rich men and women who hid behind their expensive metal walls.  

Her memory was good as she recalled where the kwads were parked. "Keys?" she asked Nipp as she saw the one for her kwad was still in the ignition.

"It's here," Nipp replied, getting on.

"You guys are so lucky. Michael gave you these? I got nothing, except a bad map, guns and bottles of water."

"You aren't special enough," Nipp said. "We need to go." He started his kwad. Gina did the same. Robert got on Nipp's bike. "Lead the way," Nipp told Gina.

As Gina jerked the handles, she felt someone get on her bike and wrap their arms around her waist. Turning, she saw Mary with a rifle strapped on her back.

"Come on, let's go. Unless you want to die," Mary said.

Dammit! Gina thought, before riding out of there at full speed.

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