[Twenty] Dictator's Right Hand Man

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Abdul got up and hugged Josef, smiling. "It's been a while, old friend," he said, before directing his hand towards a chair close to his.

"It smells nice in here. What did you cook?"Josef asked as he took a seat. He looked at the food and smiled. "You're addicted to chicken, King Abdul."

"I blame my mother for that." They both shared a laugh. "Bring this man a plate!" Abdul shouted and one of the servants rushed to the kitchen and came back with a white plate, placing it in front of Josef.

"Anything else, King?" the servant asked.

"No, you can leave." King Abdul waved her off. "So, Josef, what brings you to Morocco?"

"Him." Josef pointed at Gideon. "I want to speak to him privately, if you allow me."

"What for?"

"He was almost a father, but the woman died, along with the child."

King Abdul looked at Gideon. "Oh, that's sad. You two can talk when we're done here. Now, feast!"

Romeo chewed slowly, his eyes focused on Josef. There was the man who killed his mentor, Hans, and even though he wanted to kill him badly, he couldn't do it. Not at that moment. He was a guest of King Abdul, and any attack on the man's friend will make him an enemy. He clenched his hands and jaw, anger boiling inside him as Josef smiled and enjoyed his meal. I will get revenge. That, I promise.

"Hey, why the sad face?"

Romeo looked up and saw Josef staring at him. "Me?" he asked.

"Yes, you. And you look familiar by the way," Josef said. "Have we met before?"

"You remember the boy Hans was training to takeover from him one day?" King Abdul said.

"That's him?" Josef sounded shocked. "It can't be."

"It is."

"He has grown up into a big man. Where did you find him?" Josef had stopped eating and was now keenly staring at Romeo. "It must have been hard, especially with slavery taking people all over the world."

"Gideon found him and his friend in London," King Abdul replied.

"Wallace's territory?" 


Josef laughed. "How in the hell did Gideon manage to convince Wallace to let..." He paused, then nodded after realizing the reason. "Money?"

"Always the case," King Abdul replied. He looked at Gideon. "Why are you so quiet?"

"I'm enjoying the food, King Abdul," Gideon said.

"Don't lie to me. Are you sad about the death of your baby and its mother? Fear not though, you'll find another woman to impregnate."

"Of course, King Abdul."

"Romeo, can I ask you a question?" Josef said.


"Since you've lived in the slums your whole life, do you know of this rebel that has been beating up my cops and Bakudi?"

"No, but I would have loved to meet her," Romeo said.

"Her?" Josef quirked a brow.

"Everyone keeps assuming it's a man. Maybe that's why the rebel hasn't been caught. What if it's a woman?"

"Maybe," Josef said, but he didn't sound convinced.

Apart from Josef and King Abdul talking to each other, no one spoke until they finished eating. And when they were done, King Abdul and Josef left to go talk privately.

"Is that him? The guy who killed your boss?" Gomez asked.

"Yes," Romeo said through gritted teeth. 

"What now?"

"I'm going to kill him."

"I never knew Hans, but I got your back," Gomez said.

"Romeo," Gideon called. "Come with me."

Romeo wasn't sure if Gideon heard him and Gomez, but followed the man to his room anyway. Gideon closed the door and reached inside his closet. He took out a black mask with large white eyes, a long black coat with matching leather pants and a t-shirt. He handed them to Romeo.

"What is this?" Romeo asked.

"Hans and I had been working on a... costume, you might call it, for a while before he was killed."

"You know he was killed too?" 

"Yes, and from the way you were looking at Josef, I can tell you know he is the one who did it. But that costume is for you to be more than someone who seeks personal revenge. Hans knew slavery was coming, and he wanted to find someone who will be a symbol of hope and rally everyone against those in power."

"And he chose me?"


"But I'm just an African kid. People like me are never supposed to save the world. We sit at the side and watch the others do it."

"Others who? White people? Don't belittle yourself, Romeo. Just because you're black and African doesn't mean you can't play a big part in changing the world for the better. Always believe in yourself."

"Change the world, huh?" Romeo chuckled. "People like me are the damsels in distress," he tried to convince himself of that. But deep down, he appreciated that Hans saw him more than who he was. A symbol of hope, huh? That crazy man will get me killed. "What now?"

"Rumors are already circulating about a guy in a mask fighting for the enslaved. They don't call you The Rebel anymore. Now, you're known as Vigilante," Gideon said.

"Vigilante, I like that." Romeo smiled.

"Good, because it's time we save the world."

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