[Twenty-One] End Of The Mission

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After riding for hours, Nipp, Gina, Robert and Mary arrived at the end of the city. Huge pile of rubble stood before them, formed from fallen buildings and machines. "There's nowhere to go," Robert said, scared. The whole ride he kept looking behind to see how far the grenos were. Even though the four couldn't see them, they could still hear the creatures' roars.

"Calm down, Robert. We will find a way out," Gina reassured. "I would rather have Mary shoot me in the head than be turned into one of those things." She gazed at Mary, who held her rifle.

"You want me to shoot you, wife?" Mary asked.

"No. And I am not your wife."

"We got married, so you are."

"That wasn't an official wedding."

"In these parts, it was. When we get out of here, I'll take you to Hawaii for our honeymoon."

Nipp was standing in front of the rubble in front of them, staring at it. "There's something here," he said after noticing a blinking light coming from within. He dug his hands into the small open space, wincing as tiny pieces of glass cut his arms before pulling out whatever was inside. "What is this?" He stared at the rectangular box with wires of different colors surrounding it.

"Give me that?" Mary took it from Nipp's hands and observed it. "This is a bomb, and it's still on," she said casually.

"What? Why would there be a bomb here?" Gina asked.

"I don't know, but I feel like it has to do with why they keep sending children down here."

Robert had gone to the side to pee, when he returned, he saw the bomb on Mary's hand and said, "Oh, there are more like that everywhere. Look." He pointed to the half destroyed structures and scrap cars with bombs on them.

"How did we not notice them?" Nipp said.

"We were too distracted by grenos coming after us to notice. We have to talk with those above." Mary look at Gina. "Is Michael still alive?"

"He's the one who brought us three here," Gina replied. 

"Why are you guys so worried about them? What are they?" Robert asked.

"Bombs," replied.

Robert gasped. "Just our luck. If the grenos don't kill us, then the bombs will. Just. Great." He sat down, pouting.

Mary took out a small button with an antenna on it.

"What is that?" Gina asked.

Mary pressed it and the watches they were wearing came back online. "They damper the signal of whatever is near it."

"That's why we couldn't get our watches to work at the camp," Nipp said.

"Yes, but that was much bigger than this one. Now call Michael, he needs to tell us the truth as to why we are here," Mary said.

Gina turned her watch on. "Tatiana, Michael, is anyone there?" she asked.

"Gina, good to know you're alive," Tatiana answered. "Michael thought you were dead, but I told him you two were the best ones he brought in."

"Is that so?"

"OK, I lied and he was about to go get some more, but you contacted us at the right time."

"Cut the bullshit, whoever you are. Where's Michael? Tell him Mary wants to talk to him," Mary said.

"Mary?" Michael said on the other end. "Is that really you? It's been over a century since we last spoke. What happened to you down there?"

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