Fuck You

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I knew from the day i was born, i wasn't capable of love, from the minute i took my first breath on this earth, i knew i wouldn't have loving parents. I was actually born on the 19/04/08, on the floor of the back garden.

My brother Mickey who was only 4 at the time said he still remembers how traumatic is was. Even when my Mum gave birth, he was still beating her.

On that same day i was born, my mother passed away because my dad beat her in-till she took her last breath. Even though i was only a baby, and so was my siblings, my dad took it all out on us. Mostly me though.

Mickey has looked after me all my life, from when my own dad got me pregnant when i was only 12 years old. Mick was the one that took me to get an abortion, and sat with me whilst i cried.

Mandy didn't really care about me, she told me i was the reason dad abused us all. I know that was kind of true but it still hurt to hear that since i was a baby, but i didn't kill mum, my own dad did.

I see Mickey and Ian, sneaking around the house all of the time. It's the only place Mickey feels free is when he is at the Gallaghers house.

He came out to me when him and Ian first got together when they was just 15 and 17. Even though he was petrified i wasn't going to support him, i told him that i was bisexual. It involved a lot of crying, and even arguing but we knew we was both there for each-other.

Ian and him have been on and off most of there lives, but i know that they have been unofficially dating for a year. Just because he didn't want my dad to find out, even though Terry found out that he was gay a few years back.

Just like Terry did to all of his family members, he beat up Ian and Mickey, even making Mick have sex with a girl, whilst Ian was watching. The worst thing he did was make them both get married, yes the whore that Mick barley knew.

I slowly opened my eyes to see what was happening around me, Ian ran into my room and stood on my bed "Fuck off Mickey." Ian shouted as he hid under the covers of my bed

"Ian what if i was naked, you idiot." I hit him round the head "What is Mick even doing."

"He is chasing me around, because i said he smelt." Ian giggled like a child,

"How the fuck are you so hyper." Mickey panted as he walked into the room, sitting down next to his boyfriend, who was still hiding under the covers

Mickey grabbed Ian and got on top of him. Ian looked mesmerised by Mickey, it was kind of cute. "This is my queue to leave. Boys no shagging on my bed please."

"We will try." Ian laughed as he flipped Mickey over, i basically ran out the room.

I went downstairs to see basically the whole Gallagher family sat at the table. "Hey guys." I smiled as i walked over to get some toast

"Put some clothes on you whore." Carl laughed and i stuck my tongue out at him.

"Fuck you." I said, with a mouthful of toast in my mouth, i watched as Ian and Mickey walked down the stairs. There hair a mess and Ian even had a hickey on his kneck

"On my bed seriously." I complained "I hate you both."

"Hmmm sure." Mickey smiled at me as he snatched the toast out of my mouth "Mine now."

"Okay guys we need to pay rent, everyone put in what ever you have got." Fiona announced, passing a box around the table

I seen Debbie put in 15, Carl put in 5, I put in 20 and so did Mickey, Ian put in 30 and Lip put in 30.

"Okay thank you, that's 110 i will get the £40 pound from work today." Fiona thanked us all, as she put it into an envelope.

"Hey Fi, i'm working tonight i can pay the rest." Ian told her

"What time will you be back after gurgling old man balls?" Mickey asked

"About 1AM, i suppose." Ian told him

"Okay, i will come and get you." Mickey smiled "Please don't take anything you will regret."

"Sorry mum." Ian said, putting his bowl into the sink.

"Rory we better get to school." Carl told me

"I'm not walking with you, you can fuck off." I replied, grabbing my bag and walking out the door

"Bye family!" I shouted before leaving, Carl also put his bag on and chased after me

"Rory wait please." Carl shouted, trying to catch up with me

"What do you want?" I asked him

"Please just forgive me, i didn't kiss her." He begged, looking genuine

"Carl you broke my heart, i really trusted you with everything." I gulped

"But i never cheated on you, She tried to kiss me and i pushed her away." Carls hands cupped my face "I never meant to hurt you."

"But you did Carl, i'm going to school." I walked away from the boy "Just leave me alone."

"FUCK." i heard Carl shout as he walked the opposite way, to where she was walking. He must of been skipping school

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