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"Why are you cooking it's 5AM?" Carl questioned as he rubbed his eyes

"Why not?" I smiled at him "Want some?"

"It's 5AM Rory." He walked over to me and turned of the oven

"I was cooking asshole." I snapped

"Have you took your meds."

"Yeah." I told him, walking away from him

"Rory come here." Carl grabbed my hand "Go sleep it off."

"I can't fucking sleep, i've been fine." I turned to face him

"I know, and you are fine. Sleep it off." He practically pushed me up the stairs

"I need to clean up."

"No you don't, we can do it in the morning. Go to my room."

"Fine." I hugged as i followed him into the bedroom

I instantly got into bed as he held me tight, somehow he made me fall asleep after lying awake moments before

"I love you." He whispered into my ear not realising i was fast asleep

"Who the fucks been cooking?" Fiona shouted at 8AM the next morning, Carl quickly ran downstairs not to wake me up

"Rory, please don't shout i've just got her to sleep." He practically begged

"Is she okay?" Fiona looked at him, worried

"Yeah she's just had an off day, She's took her meds and slept so she should feel better." he smiled

"Good, she's finnally getting into a good place mentally. I don't want her going down hill again" Fiona smiled

"I need to get to school, please let me know if she still do all over the place when she gets up. She's in my room." He told Fiona as he grabbed his coat

"Don't worry we will." Fiona replied, giving Liam his breakfast

"Hello Ror." Mickey smiled at me as i walked down the stairs

"Hey." I smiled back, grabbing a piece of toast from Micks plate

"Asshole." He ruffled my hair "Took your meds?"

"I've just walked down the stairs." I groaned at how annoying he was

"Make sure you take them."

"Sorry dad." i rolled my eyes

"Drop the attuide." He shot back

"Fine." I huffed "Does this toast taste funny to anyone?"

"I mean the breads a few days old." Fiona butted in

"No it's nasty." I gagged

"Your gagging over a piece of toast." Ian laughed

"No stop it's disgusting." I carried on gagging, it's like it wouldn't stop

Mickey and Ian were nearly wetting themselves with laughter

I ran to the toilet and threw up

"I fucking hate you both." I snapped as i threw up again

"It's only a bit of mold, we have ate worse then that before." Fiona walked over to me, giving me a hand

"That was fucking gross." I gagged just remembering what it tasted like

"Don't throw up again." Liam joked

"Your not funny."

"I'm going back to bed." I groaned

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