What is that on your hoodie?

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When i woke up in the morning the left side of the bed was empty. Confused i went straight downstairs to see Lip, Ian and Mickey all talking together. It was good to see Ian out of bed

"Hey where's Carl." I asked them as a concerned look spread over there faces "Guys where is Carl?"

"He didn't tell you?" Lip questioned, feeling gulity for me but i had no idea why

"Tell me what?" I was starting to panic now

"Last night he joined the Army." Mickey told me carmly

"Fuck off, he didn't tell me." I shouted "Please tell me this is a joke, he has seriously just left."

"I'm sorry Rory." Mickey told me as i sat down

"This has to be a sick joke, he told all of you guys and not me? He was fine yesterday." I raised my voice "Why the Fuck would he do this."

"He has always wanted to join the army, i thought he would of told you." Lip replied as he looked over at Ian. Ian looked a mess

"Yo ian you okay?" Lip asked

Ian stood up rapidly "There here."

"Who?" Mickey tried to grab his boyfriends hand but he Ian pulled out of his grasp "Ian, Hey."

Ian ran over the couch and began to push it in front of the door "Help me for fuck sake Mick, there coming."

"Someone muzzle that kid." Frank shouted

"Who the fuck are you, are you one of them?" Ian screamed which made me flinch, Fiona ran down the stairs but couldn't get to the bat quick enough

"Hey give me that." Mickey tried to grab it off him but instead he was wacked, straight into the face "FUCK IAN."

Mickey grabbed his boyfriend and held him tight, Ian must of realised he was safe in his grasp and hugged him back. His lip bleeding all over the gingers shoulders

"What the fuck triggered this?" Lip whispered to Fiona

"The talk of the Army." I told them as i went up the stairs

"We need to get you to a clinic Ian." Mickey kissed Ian's forehead

"No." He replied bluntly as he followed me up the stairs.

Ian walked up the stairs and shoved right past me, i understand that he must of felt crazy so i didn't take offence to it. "Ian it's going to be okay." I whispered to the boy

"Hey come here you." Mickey hugged me tight "I'm so sorry you didn't know about Carl."

"I'm more pissed off at him." I replied still hugging my brother tight "Look after Ian okay? He needs it."

"Just got to get him to a hospital, i have no clue how i'm going to do it." He sighed "I best deal with my boyfriend now kiddo."

"I will be okay i promise, I'm going to take a shower." I smiled as i walked into the bathroom and shut the door

It was the only privacy you got here, to escape for everyone since there was at-least 2 kids in every room. I sobbed into my arm to stop anyone from hearing, the boy that i loved had left without telling me.

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