Liar Liar

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I walked down stairs the night after my breakdown, i knew that i was ugly i had faded black hair, scars all over my body and i had 5 day old mascara on my face. When i seen Carls girlfriend there i could've threw up.

No literally

I ran to the downstairs toilet and threw up. I don't know wether it was the sight of Carls new girlfriend or i was just being over dramatic.

"Holy shit are you pregnant to?" Debbie joked

"Fuck off Debbie." i shouted before throwing up again, there was no way i could be pregnant. I haven't had sex with someone in a few months, the last person was Carl just before he left to go to the Army.

"The hormones are hitting you already." she joked

"Just shut up Debbie." I replied finally sitting up and brushing my teeth

"You okay Ror?" Carl asked

"Leave me alone." I snapped as i got some coffee

"Who was throwing up?" Fiona asked everyone as she walked down the stairs

"Rory." Carl, Debbie and Liam all told her

"Snitches." I groaned

"She's pregnant." Liam blabbed

"I AM NOT." i shouted yet again

"You better not be, i can't have you and Debbie pregnant."

"Shut up." Debbie rolled her eyes

"Can you just leave me alone." I told her

"When was the last time you had eaten?" Ian questioned me

"Yesterday night." I lied

"You have a appointment today." Mickey reminded me

"I don't want to go." I groaned

"Your going, and eat this toast now. We know you haven't been eating." Fiona demanded me

"Fine." I snapped as i shoved the piece of toast in my mouth

"Rory we have to leave." Ian shouted from the car

"I can't find my coat." I shouted back grabbing my coat and running out the house

"You will be fine i promise, it's just an assessment to see if you need further help." Fiona reminded me

"I know what it is." I rolled my eyes

Most of my scars were healed or just not as visible anymore. I was still doing it just in more hidden places so my family think that i have quit, but in reality it's such a hard thing to stop.

We had finally arrived at the hospital ready for my mental health assessment. All i know is that they ask loads of pointless question's to see if you need to be admitted.

"Aurora-Grace Gallagher?" They shouted through, it was wierd seeing my name as a Gallagher now and not a Milkovich

I walked over to the women's office "Hello Aurora how are you?"

"It's Rory, and i'm feeling better." I knew how to cheat the system on these i always used to do it. Just keep lying and agreeing to everything they say.

"Okay Rory, i'm going to ask you a series of quiestions and i need you to answer truthfully."

I nodded as she begun the assessment

"Have you harmed yourself before?"

"Yes but i have quit now for about 2 months." I lied

"Yes i can see that your scars have healed." She smiled as she continued

"Do you want to end your life?" She quiestioned

"Nope." I lied yet again

"Have you ever had thoughts about ending your life."

"Once but it was when everyone else was doing it, so i guess it was a phase." I said slowly so she thought i was telling the truth

"Oh yes we all get that sometimes." She laughed

"Last question when was the last time you had eaten."

"This morning, i had a piece of toast." I replied proudly.

"Why have you came to this assessment you seem absolutely fine."

"I have bad PTSD and mood swings so for some reason my family think i'm depressed." I rolled my eyes

"Oh honey that is just trauma and maybe a bit of BPD."

"Exactly what i said, am i free to go now."

"Yeah you passed the test with flying colors." She replied as she opened the door

"Thank you for you time." I smiled

I walked back over to the Gallaghers who was waiting there anxiously "They said i'm fine, just a bit of trauma and BPD."

"Please tell me your joking, your not eating, you self harm and you have tried to commit twice." Mickey shouted "Your not fucking fine."

"Shut up Mickey, i passed the tests." I smiled as i went back into the car

"She actually lied to them." Mickey laughed "Fuck sake."

"Debbie if you want to keep the baby i want nothing to do with it." Fiona shouted in the car

"Fine i am keeping this baby wether you like it or not."

"You you two ever shut the fuck up." I shouted

"Will you stop snapping at everyone, we tried to get you help and you fucked it up." Mickey shouted at me

"Shut the fuck up, i hate you all." I continued to shout

"We have done everything for you Aurora, don't be a bitch." Mickey replied angrily

"I'm sick of this, i'm sick of all of you."

"When was the last time you slept rory?" Debbie asked

"about 3 days ago."

"Fuck Rory you need sleep." Ian turned to me

"I can't without seeing my dads face, when he gets out in 2 days it's only going to get worse."

"Rory you need to go to sleep." He repeated

"You can get seriously i'll." Fiona joined in

"I'm already i'll, the therapists are just shit in the south side." I laughed

"As soon as we get home your going to sleep Rory." Mickey demanded

"I highly doubt it." I laughed "I don't know why i didn't jump of that bridge."

"Because we saved you asshole, don't talk like that."

"I might do it again." I said proudly, i don't know what was happening with me

"We have hid literally everything."

"Obviously not well enough." I smiled

"What do you mean." Mickey asked "RORY."

"My legs are covered in blood mick, you can't hide everything."

"Fuck sake Rory, we are admitting you to a physc ward wether you like it or not." He snapped turning around to drive to the hospital

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