Mentally ill

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"Rory?." Mickey knocked on her door "Ror, open up,"

There was no answer just silence, her light was turned off and her door was locked "Rory?" Mickey was now banging in her door. He never usually reacts like this maybe it was because he was so scared of Rory attempting again.

"Rory please?" Mickey begged he was already losing Ian to his mental illness he didn't want to loose Rory again "I'm gonna have to break the door Ror."

With no answer yet again the only thing he could think of doing is knocking down the door. When he finally was in to her shared room with Debbie he noticed nobody was in there

"What the fuck was that bang." Fiona asked as she ran up the stairs

"She's not in here, she's gone." Mickey replied ignoring her question, all that was left on her bed was a note which had blood on it.

"She better not of attempted not again." Mickey panicked

"Mick just read the letter." Lip was now upstairs obviously hearing the load bang just moments ago

Hey Gallaghers + Milkovich ,
i promise you all i'm okay! I'm just sick of feeling broken all the time and i feel like i'm carrying all of my mental pain onto you. I have no idea what is wrong with me but i promise it's not my fault. The constant thought to end my life is so hard to resist that is why i keep harming myself, with every cut, one of the voices will go away for a few hours. I will come back home in a few days but for now i need some time to myself , to burn off all the energy i have been feeling.

I love you all lots x
(not carl)

"Is this like a suicide letter." Mickey was still panicking "I can't loose her and Ian."

"She said she will be back Mick."

"We have to find her Debs, she is mentally i'll she can't be out by herself. Besides there is literally blood on the paper she must of hurt herself."

"Come on." Mickey said practically running down the stairs

"Mickey stay with Ian, your to stressed right now, make sure he doesn't do something he will regret."

"She's my sister." He tried to leave "FIONA."

"Mickey stay home." Fiona pushed him away from the door "We will find her."

"Fine if something happens to her i'm going to be so annoyed at you." He snapped but it wasn't to be rude it was the fact he was worried

"We will Mick." Debbie replied as she closed the door

Some how on my way here i stumbled into a bar, it was nothing like the alibi in-fact it was completely different. After ordering loads of diffrent drinks to try and some strange men also ordering some for me i was starting to feel tipsy.

I knew the meds would make every heightened even the alcohol levels i consume each time. I wasn't meant to have more then 2 drinks an hour but some how i was about 7.

I didn't even know what was in the drinks, all i knew was that they was strong as fuck and they tasted nice. Well some did anyways, others were way to strong.

"Well hello my daughter." I heard a familiar voice say, i turned around and looked at the man i didn't want to see. I couldn't tell if this was real or i was hallucinating

"Terry." I whispered as i was shocked to see him "No, no no."

I stumbled as fast as i could out of the bar, but for some reason he was chasing after me now. The alcohol was kicking in now causing me to fall over my own to feel.

He was getting closer and closer to me. "Terry please go away." I begged as i scrambled off the ground

I quickly ran into an alley way, i must of been hidden since he couldn't find me. The adrenaline was over quickly causing me to throw up, running and being drunk was not a good mix.

I sat in the alley way for a good hour before calling Fiona after debating not coming back. I couldn't do this without them and i was stupid for thinking i could.

"Fiona." I whispered down the phone just incase Terry was still around

"Rory where are you." She sounded worried

"iii don'tt- even knowww, Terry tried to kill meeee." I laughed even though it really wasn't funny

"Fuck terry was there? We are coming stay there Rory." She ordered

"I willlll." I told her as i threw up yet again

"Are you throwing up?"

"Yeah." I begun to laugh again

"Are you drunk?" She asked


"Fuck Ror, we are coming." Fiona said as she stayed on the phone with me intill she got there

When she finally found where i was through tracking my phone, i was lying in an alley way asleep. Fiona picked me up and put me straight into the back of the car, with sone blankets on top.

"She's getting worse, i've heard that i'm not saying she does but with bipolar disorder certain other medications can make it worse." Debbie told Fiona

"Yeah i know i've been thinking it, but her and Ian's symptoms are very different."

"Not really though she has ran away, been depressed for days, she stopped sleeping and eating for days aswell."

"Yeah i guess so, we will have to get her checked out." Fiona tried to reassure Debbie "Maybe her mother had it before she passed away."

Fiona carried me up the stairs and put me to bed, for some reason i didn't move all i did was stare at the ceiling feeling the energy i have felt for the past 3 days slowly disappearing.

"She's really sick Mickey we think it could be bipolar disorder since certain other medications can make it worse, and she has most of the symptoms." Fiona told him

"Your joking right, Ian is still in bed and i can't get him up at all. He won't even let me sleep there so can i stay on the couch."

"Ofcourse, thank you for staying with him Mickey even if he is mentally i'll."

"Don't worry i'm not going anywhere." he smiled as he lay on the couch

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