Your joking right?

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I opened the door trying not to wake anyone, but my intoxicated self stupidly tripped over the step outside, banging onto the door leaving it wide open.

"Shit." i giggled trying to get myself back up but ultimately failing horrifically, and falling straight back down.

My legs were bloody as so were my hands, i had no idea what from or what i had even taken. Shit how did i end up here, the frosty night was making my wounds hurt even worse but for some strange reason i couldn't feel them. I was numb from all the pain

I finally got up and stumbled into the doorway, slamming the door behind me forgetting it was 4AM on a weekday.

I tried to grab the bottle of Vodka but instead tripped and fell into the mirror that was hanging on the wall above me. Falling down it smashed everywhere, all over me and the floor.

I looked at myself in the shattered mirror that i had just fell into moments before. Shards of glass were imprinted in my skin, bloody marks were all over my face. For some reason all i could do was laugh.

I stood up for the 3rd time in the last 2 minutes, trying to pick myself up was the hardest thing. Fuck what have i taken? I stumbled into the kitchen ignoring the mess that i had just made on the floor, ignoring all i've the cuts over my body

Maybe i liked the pain?

The urge to throw up took over my body, i tried to run to the sink as fast as i could. I hated throwing up it was the worst thing ever, but i couldn't stop myself from doing it.

instead i tripped over my own two feet making the vodka bottle fly out of my hands and i yet again fell back onto the cold hard floor.

I didn't make it to the sink, instead my vomit was on the floor besides me. Not being able to find the strength to get up i lay there, still for about 2 minutes before the kitchen light turned on.

The Gallaghers were starting to wake up to get ready for school, Shit how long have i been lying here for.

"Fucking hell." Carl shouted as he ran over to me,

fuck what was happening?

Why was the room spinning?

"FIONA.". Debbie also joined in on the shouting as she walked down the stairs "Rory what the fuck have you done?"

They both looked around the room, the smashed mirror was on the floor, blood covering a few of the shards. For some reason the couch was flipped over, i don't remember doing that though.

The vodka bottle was also shattered all over the floor, the vomit from just a few hours ago was still right besides me. i looked at my hands they was covered in blood, why was i so out of it.

"FIONA." Debbie shouted again "FIONA PLEASE."

Carl turned me on my side, maybe to stop me choking on my own vomit. Holy fuck i was throwing up again without realising it

"Rory it's okay i promise." Debbie reassured me as i started to laugh "What have you taken?"

"Mwinask." I blurted our random words unable to talk which made me giggle

"What is she saying?" Carl asked

Fiona was now walking down the stairs but she stopped as she seen the horror-like scene that had gone on "Rory what the fuck."

I was lying there still unable to move, why was i still lying here? Why can't i get up?

She quickly ran over to me as she checked my wounds "Debbie go get Mickey."

She was frozen in fear or even in shock "DEBBIE NOW."

I didn't even realise how bad my own injuries were but for Fiona to be reacting this way they really must be bad.

Debbie ran up the stairs, Fiona was now sitting me up. "nooooo." I groaned as i flopped back down

"I think she's on her way to à depressive episode." Carl told Fiona as he wiped the blood of my face

"thankkkk you carlll."i slurred "I love you."

"Rory you will be okay." He told me as i started to go in and out of consciousness "RORY?"

"Carl move." Mickey shouted as he watched his sisters eyes roll to the back of her head "What the fuck has she taken?"

"She won't tell us." Debbie was now shouting aswell

"Is Ian not up, we fucking need him." Carl was now pacing around the room

"No he won't get out of bed." Mickey was panicking even more now "Yeah 911? I need an ambulance. My sister has took something theres blood everywhere."

"There coming in 10 minutes." Mickey kicked the wall

i had now passed out on the floor, maybe from the pain? Adrenaline? fear? i have no idea but what i do know is that i was lying unconscious on the floor

"Rory are you fucking drunk?" Terry shouted "You have drank my beers."

"I didn't mean to dad." I pleaded for him not to hit me

"Get here you little shit." He screamed as i walked over to him

He grabbed my hair as he pushed me up against the wall. Trying to fight his grip i kicked him in the leg "Fuck." he shouted but he wouldn't stop hitting me

My face was bloody, my eye was bruised barley able to see out of it now. He started to walk away from me, he just sat back down and started to watch the TV again like nothing had happened.

The pain made me pass out and i woke up randomly in the hospital, know idea what had happened in till now.

Just like i did that day when i was younger i woke up in a hospital bed. I had no idea how long i had been lying here for but by the look on everyone's faces the news was not good.

"She she hasn't took anything?" Mickey laughed "Then what the fuck was up with her?"

"Well we diagnosed her officially with bipolar disorder but we think she may have something on her brain."

"What like fucking cancer?" Debbie blurted out not realising i was awake

"It could be something like that we are unsure. Sometimes people do this when there is something pressing on a nerve in there brain." She continued "It makes the do crazy thing, but with her bipolar disorder it makes it worse."

"Your joking, it's not like i haven't been through enough?" I replied shocked

"Hello Rory." Fiona smiled at me, it's not like i just heard the worst news of my life

"You will find out the test results in a few hours. We would like to keep her in though."

"Yeah whatever, Debbie do you wanna check on Ian?" Mickey asked

"Yeah okay, please let me know the results." She begged

"Of course debs i love you."

"I feel like shit." I admitted

"It's most likely because the mania is over sweetheart." Fiona told me as she held my hand

"V just messaged, Ian is up and awake!" Carl smiled

"Is he back to normal?" Mickey asked

"Yeah he is."

"Thank god." I was also smiling

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