A bloody mess

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"I did a porno." Ian told his boyfriend proudly

"Don't come near me." Mickey said wearily "You need to pack your shit."

"I'm taking you to a fucking clinic or an ER,
you choose." I heard Mickey shout, i quickly put on a hoodie and ran down the stairs

"Okay i didn't know it meant this much to you, let me have a shower first." Ian replied as he made his way up the stairs

I walked over to Mickey "Your doing the right thing i promise."

"It better be, i just don't wanna hurt him."

As me and Mickey was talking, Liam started to cry then the door slammed shut. After processing what had happened Mickey ran out the door

"IAN, LIAM." He shouted trying to chase the car "FUCK."

"Oh god has he just took Liam?" I gasped as i ran inside to get the others

"FIONA." I screamed "LIP."

Fiona ran downstairs as soon as she heard me scream "Hey what's up."

"Ian stole Liam." I replied

"What!" Fiona shouted as Jimmy walked down the stairs

"What the fuck you doing back here." I asked him, i swear he left us like 2 years ago

"Nice to see you to Rory." He smiled, that cocky fucking smile

"You left us for 2 years without a word." I punched him straight in the nose

"Ha that's exactly what i did to him." Fiona smiled as she high fived me

"Fuck, i threatened him with the ER and he ran." Mickey wiped away a tear

"Ian had his first physcotic break." Lip asked Fiona

"I think so."

"Why what's wrong with Ian." Jimmy looked really confused

"You know you missed a lot when you randomly just left us, you was suppose to get me braces." Debbie shouted obviously pissed that he was here aswell

"Debs i will get you braces now, i was a slave in Africa for a while." He smiled

"we have to find Ian, Liam hasn't eaten today." Fiona began to panic "FUCK."

"Hey it's okay we will find him." Jimmy told her wiping the blood from his nose "Fuck Rory you got me good."

"Perks of being a milkovich." I laughed

"Your basically a Gallagher." Debbie pointed out

"I'm a Gallavich?"

"Look at this Liam, The sunset is so beautiful." Ian said energetically "This is so much better then Chicago."

Liam began to cry hysterically "Ah shit you need food don't you little one."

Ian began to search all around Jimmys car but found nothing that 4 year old Liam could eat

"Yeah we are going to have to go to a gas station."

"FUCK, ian please call me back. Your driving me crazy!" Mickey shouted down the phone "I love you."

"You okay?" Lip asked me as we was sat on the table "I know Ian is like a father figure to you, so this must be horrible."

"Yeah, i just wish he would get the help he needs." i whispered

"I know Rory, he will come back i promise." He smiled at me

"Have you heard anything from Carl." I asked stupidly

"Yeah, he is doing well."

"He won't even respond to my messages." I fake laughed "So much for being my boyfriend."

Frank then ruined the moment by walking into the house "Hello my two favourite Gallaghers."

"I'm not even a Gallagher Frank." i rolled my eyes

"Wait really, i could of sworn Monica birthed you."

"Fuck you, my mum is dead." I walked up the stairs away from him

"For fuck sake frank." Lip muttered as he walked up the stairs after me

"They have found Ian." Mickey shouted

"Shit really." Lip smiled as he walked back down the stairs "Where is he."

"At the police station." Mickey replied worriedly "I don't even know what for."

"Rory you okay to stay with debs?" Mickey shouted up to me

"Yeah i will be fine, like always."

"Bye Debbie, Bye Rory." Lip said as they both walked out the door

Carl i know you won't see this considering you have to do 4 year's minimum but fuck you. I actually trusted you so so much and you fucked everything up!

This user is unable to get to the phone right now

"Fuck." I shouted slamming the bathroom door, his phone has cut off.

The only thing i could think of doing to get rid of the pain was to harm myself. I don't even know why i wanted to do it but the blade on the sink was really appealing to me.

Just as i did all them times 6 months ago, i picked up the shiny object. Making blood run on my pale skin until i was satisfied that the pain was going away

My healed scars was now bloody. But i didn't regret a thing, i needed to feel the pain Carl has made me feel

"Hey Rory you okay?" Debbie asked me

"Yeah i'm fine, just started my period yet again. I will be out in a minute." I lied

"Okay, let me know when ur finished. Do you need me to get you any spare clothes?"

"No thank you Debbie, i will be just a second." I replied cleaning up the bloody mess with some tissue and quickly flushing it

"Hey rory, Ian is home." Fiona shouted from downstairs, Fuck they are back already

"Okay just a minute." I shouted back to her as i threw on a hoodie, making sure no blood would run on it as i made my way downstairs

"He is heavily sedated as he has spent the day in a mental hospital." Mickey explained to me "You okay? Your looking pale."

"I'm fine , it's just horrible to see him like this." I half smiled

"I'm going to bed." Ian announced walking up the stairs without another word

"So Rory to explain it all for you, he is bipolar and he has been prescribed some medication. He will be very sleeply." Fiona told me

"Oh shit." Was all i managed to say "He will be okay though right?"

"Yeah hopefully."

"Is liam okay." i asked

"Yeah he is perfectly fine." Fiona smiled as little liam ran over to her

"Thank god, Anyways i'm going to go to sleep."

"Okay night Ror." Mickey hugged me "It will all work out in the end."

"Night Mick."

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