Drunken Nights With You

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When i finally made it back home from school, i seen Carl sitting on the step, smoking. "Can we please talk." He said quietly

"Fine." I sat down by him, he offered me some of the weed "I've never smoked before."

"We'll do you want to?" He asked me, i knew he wasn't pressuring me into anything.

"Yeah, okay." I took it off his and took a very long puff, maybe a lot longer then i should of because i started to cough "Shit that's strong."

"Your first time is always the best type of high." He carried on "Anyways i promise i never cheated on you, and you ignoring me has been the worse thing ever."

"I know you didn't, but i really thought you did. It's not that i don't trust you, but you never came home that night." I said, taking another drag of the spliff

"In all honesty, i was buying a present for you. I know you most likely think i'm lying but i'm not. I just want you to be my girlfriend again."

"You promise you will tell me everything, no secrets at all?" I asked him

"I promise, baby." He kissed my forehead

"Then i will be your girlfriend again, fuck up again we are done." I grabbed his face and kissed him "I missed you."

"I missed you to, want to sneak some alcohol?"

"Of course i do!" I ran in the house having the last bit of weed, that was left.

We went under Ian's and Mickeys bed, where all of the alcohol was hidden. "Shit there's loads." I giggled, the weed getting to my head

"Jesus christ Ror, your high all ready." He laughed, grabbing the Vodka from under the bed

"Hey there's half a bottle." I smiled, running downstairs to get some coke and cups

Carl was waiting for me, in my room. i chucked the bottle of coke to him and the plastic cups "I say we drink it out the bottle."

"YES." I basically screaming, grabbing the bottle of vodka and taking a big gulp of it. I never will get used to the satisfying, burning feeling that ran down my throat.

I passed the bottle to Carl and he took a massive chug of it, and i did the same thing. We kept passing it back and forth infill all of the Vodka was gone from the bottle.

The weed and the vodka was an amazing feeling, i felt invincible "Fuuckk." i slurred "i feel amazing."

"I know right, so do i." Carl kissed me, and of course it quickly turned into a drunken make out session "I do love you Rory."

"I love you to Carl, I promise." I kissed him once again "Why don't we go and get some more alcohol?"

"If Mickey finds out he will kill us."

"He has a soft spot for me." I smiled as i dragged him back into Ian's room.

Me and carl just stood there staring, we seen both are siblings onto of eachother with no clothes on. Ian quickly noticed us covering both of there body's

"Fuck of you to." Mickey shouted, i tried to run but i tripped over my own feet. Me and carl fell into a fit of giggles

"Atleast shut the door!" Ian shouted aswell, i tried to get up to shut it but yet again i fell over. Carl was honestly wetting himself at me

"Fuck my stomach hurts i've laughed way to much." Carl said inbetween giggled

Mickey grabbed some bottoms on and helped me up "Are you drunk?"

"No way." I laughed yet again

"You stink of it." Carl shouted maybe a bit to loud

"Your both pissed aren't you." He quiestioned us, but me and carl where to busy laughing at eachother

"Ah shit i'm going to throw up." I said running to the toilet, but tripping over in the process. I cut all my leg but at least i threw up in the toilet "Ah shit."

"Fucking hell." Ian walked into the bathroom "Where the fuck did you get the vodka from." He said looking into my room

"Omg that's mine, you little shit." Mickey replied "You asshole."

"Go to bed, both of you." Ian told us

"Why so you can carry on taking it up the ass?" Carl cockily replied

"Nah Mickey does that." Ian smiled "Bed now Carl."

"Fuck fine." he shouted stumbling into his room

"Come on you, let's get a plaster on it." Mickey said carrying me, bridal style "You shouldn't be drinking on your ADHD meds."

"Ur not my dad."

"I'm the only father figure you ever had, i've practically raised you." He replied putting me on the kitchen counter

"Here." Ian said passing his boyfriend a plaster. Mickey stuck it on me

"Come on upstairs Ror." I did as i was told and walked up the stairs "Sleep on your side tonight. We have my stupid baby's christening tommorow."

"I don't want to see dad."

"I know, it will only be for an hour i promise." He kissed my forehead "Night Milkovich."

"Night." I replied

I felt lonely once Ian and Mickey had left into there room, i stumbled over to Carls room knowing he will mostly still be awake

I opened his door and stood next to him "Come here baby." He whispered making sure not to wake Liam.

i snuggled into him, and feel straight asleep. I was definitely dreading tommorow, i haven't seen my dad since he went to prison.

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