Sleep Deprived

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"Hey everyone." I exclaimed as i ran down the stairs in a cheerful mood

"Oh hey Ror." Fiona smiled, obviously not expecting me to be happy since what happened last night

"Hey fi, how are you." I replied in a sing song voice

"Are you high." Mickey questioned

"Ofcourse i'm not dumbass is 7AM." i laughed

"Yeah that's my point, did you sleep last night." He sounded worried

"Nope." I smiled at him as i grabbed a piece of toast

"You have gone 4 days without sleep Rory, do we need to send you away again?." Fiona chimed in

"NO." I shouted "I will sleep i promise."

"You better Rory, because your feeling happy now but you will crash. Have you took ur meds?"

"Yes mum." I rolled my eyes "I took all 8 of them."

"Fuck off Rory." Mickey joked, as he punched me in the arm "Get some sleep now."

"Fuck Fine." I stormed off upstairs

"I swear the meds are meant to get her better?" Mickey quiestioned "It's like there making her worse."

"Maybe there like treating the wrong thing or something, maybe she has bipolar like ian?"

"No she hasn't stole a baby." Mickey laughed

"Mick she ran away for a year, maybe that was her being manic. She also hasn't been sleeping at all and she is so depressed." She stated "It may actually just be BPD but i don't know it just seems familiar."

"BPD can also cause you to loose your mind." Lip told them "You can still be manic and have phycosis episodes when you have BPD."

"Yeah i guess so, if it gets worse we will have to send her back away to get help." Mickey agreed "She literally nearly killed a giro yesterday. I mean i would've done that to but it's not like rory."

"She used to have straight As and was such a good girl, it's like she's lost her mind." Debbie joined in

"No i honestly think she has, it's not even getting better on the meds." Ian quietly said as he walked down the stairs "She's finally asleep i had to sit with her to make sure 'her dad' didn't come."

"I actually hate Terry." Fiona groaned "He has fucked everything up."

"Let's just hope she stays asleep for a while other wise she could come crashing before we expect it."

"It's going to go bad anyways my dad is out today." Mickey sighed "We have to keep her from finding out."

"What if he hurts her."

"He's on parole at the moment so he can't." Ian joined in

"I'm sure we can get him back in prison easily." Jimmy-Steve told Mickey

"He is like a rodent, he will never leave." Frank laughed as he opened the door

"Yeah just like you Frank, be quite Aurora is sleeping." Ian rolled his eyes

"Who the fuck is Aurora." Frank said

"Rory?" Mickey laughed "What the fuck are you on Frank."

"Ohh Rory, and i've just took some coke." He replied proudly

"Ur messed up Frank get out." Fiona shouted swinging the bat

"Fiona Rory!" Mickey reminded her

"Shit sorry." She apologied as she began swinging the bat "1..2..3.."

"FINE." He huffed as he walked out the door

"I hate parents." Mickey sighed as he grabbed his coat "I've gotta get to work Ian keep an eye on her."

"Yeah i will don't worry." He kissed his boyfriend "I love you."

"Love you to." Mickey smiled

"Just get married already." Fiona rolled her eyes as Mickey stuck his middle finger up

"See ya gallagher." He waved

"Bye Mick."

"Rory you need to understand dad is a monster it's better if you come with me to the Gallagher house." Mickey tried to encourage me

"what if dad finds out and tried to hurt me?" I replied

"He won't i promise, Ian is really nice and so is the rest of the gallaghers."

"Promise they won't hurt me?"

"I promise Rory, go and pack the stuff you need. The faster we leave the better." He hurried me off to my room

"I love you mick."

"I love you to R, now get ready." He laughed as he hit me in the arm

"asshole." I smiled back hitting him gently in the head

"Your lucky i like you." I tormented "Do i even have a room at the gallaghers?"

"Yeah you can share one with Carl or Debbie."

"I will share it will Debbie."

"Even if Carls your boyfriend?" He smiled

"He isn't my boyfriend yet." I smiled back "I hate you Mick."

"I hate you more Milkovich."



it's such a short chapter but i've got writers block and tbf the other chapter was really long.

I love you all  and give me ideas if you wanna

I might make Rory Biploar idk? But this whole chapter is the Gallaghers talkinb about mental health etc sooo enjoy!!

Also a little flashback to whne mickey moved in with the gallaghers 💜💜

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