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"Did you sleep well Rory?" Mickey asked me

"Yeahhhh." I giggled as i stumbled into the kitchen

"What have you taken?" Fiona came up to worried

"I don't even know anymore." I replied as i looked around the room slowley

"Aurora we need to know what you have taken sweetie."

All i could focus on was how the walls were closing in on me, and they was all acting like nothing was happening around them "The Walls there closing in." I told them slowly

"Rory it's all in you head. Are you high." Lip tried to check her pupils

"Lip your funny." I giggled as i touched his nose

"What the fuck is going on." Mickey shouted obviously stressed "Why is she acting like this."

"It could be she has actually took something or maybe she's drunk?" Lip tried to explain "Her pupils are very dialalated."

"Do we need to take her to a hospital?" Debbie asked

"No i don't think so unless we don't figure out what is wrong." Lip said "We have hid everything i don't get what she could of took."

"Whyyyy are the walls moving." I laughed once again "Why can't i stop laughing."

"Rory it's okay." Lip grabbed my shoulders as i started manically laughing over and over again

"Why can't she stop." Mickey panicked

"I I I." I couldn't get my words out without laughing, that was in-till it turned into sobs

"Hey It's okay." Lip hugged me "Your safe."

"Manic episode?" Fiona asked Lip

"I think it was a little one, a warning sign something bad is going to happen to her soon?"

"Bloody hell, has she took her meds."

"Rory have you took them." Lip asked but i shook my head "Aurora you need to take them you know this."

"I'm sorry." I was now screaming and punching Lip in stomach "Im sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry."

"Rory stop." Debbie shouted

"IM SORRY." I screamed still punching and kicking lip

Mickey came over and grabbed me "Rory stop it, calm down."

"I'm sorry." i said quietly as i realised what was happening

"I'm sorry." i repeated looking over at lip

They was all so confused over what had just happened, maybe they was right, maybe it was an episode

"It's okay I promise." Mickey smiled "Come on go and take a shower."

"I can't." I admitted as salty tears filled my eyes once again

"Why not?" Mickey asked confused

"It hurts to much." I looked at the ground

"Rory i thought we stopped this?" Fiona sighed

"I can't help it."

"The meds were meant to stop it." Debbie said

"No it's an addiction like alcoholism." Lip explained "She can't just stop."

"Thank you lip."

"I'm not defending you misses." Lip rolled his eyes "Make sure they don't get infected and go take a shower."

"Fine." I sighed i knew this was going to burn

I began to walk up the stairs when Carl barged me "What the fuck is your problem."

"You." He laughed as he carried on walking

"Rory." Fiona said slowly, knowing what was about to happen

I pushed Carl onto the floor when he wasn't looking, and punched him twice "ASSHOLE."

"Get off him." Lip shouted as he pulled me back "Carl just fuck off for a bit please."

"She is crazy honestly." he rolled his eyes as he stormed back upstairs

"FUCK YOU." I was still screaming and kicking


"I actually hate you all, I HATE YOU." I ran upstairs crying.

"God her emotions are all over the place today." Fiona joked

"I honestly think the medication has made her emotions more stronger." Lip told us "Like she has never started a fight before and she doesn't ever tell us she hates us."

"Yeah it is strange for Rory, I also think Carl is making it worse as he keeps terriorising her."

"He's being an asshole for no reason."

"I mean she did beat up his girlfriend." Debbie pointed out

"She deserved that honestly." Mickey laughed

"Hi family" Monica walked through the door as Liam ran up to her

"Monica?" Fiona shouted "What the fuck are you doing here."

"I heard Debbie was pregnant and i wanted to make sure Rory was okay." She replied innocently

"Of course you just randomly show up, how do you know all of this?" Lip walked over to her

"Rory lived with me for about a year."

"Fucking hell, no wonder she is messed up." Mickey scoffed

"Well maybe you should of looked harder to find her." She snapped

"Have you took your meds Monica?" Fiona asked "I don't want you here if you haven't."

"Yeah i have."

"Talking about bipolar, isn't Ian up yet."

"Nope, i think he's going through another episode. He stayed up last night cleaning the floors for 3 hours straight." Debbie said

"Didn't you think to tell us." Mickey argued

"No not really."

"I'm sick of the fucking gallaghers." Fiona moaned

"Mickey how did you not notice."

"I always get up before him, i didn't realise he would be asleep this long." Mickey explained

"It wouldn't be Micks fault anyways his medications could of just unbalanced." Fiona defended Mickey

"I'm going to check on Rory." Mickey told everyone "Monica you stay away from her."


"Fuck off." Mickey scoffed as she walked up the stairs

"He has a point Monica, it's to early for this shit."

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