Chapter Six

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(*All Nine of the KISS guys and the girls are hanging out at Casblanca Records when all of a sudden, a loud noise occurred*)

Me: *teleports to where everyone else is at using my Kissterian powers* HOWDY Y'ALL! 😁

Everyone else: EMILY! 😃😆

Ace: You're back! ACK!

Me: Yep! I sure am!

Vinnie: *hugs me* I've missed you so much.

Me: Aww! *blushes and hugs Vinnie back* I missed you, too. ☺️

Paul: Where were you?!

Eric Carr: Yeah, we haven't seen ya in forever!

Me: I had to take the week off because I got sick, and then when I went to see a doctor, they found out that I had COVID.

Gene: That sucks.

Vinnie: We even had to separate from each other so I wouldn't get it, too. It wasn't that much fun being alone. *frowns a little*

Me: Aww! *hugs Vinnie* It'll be okay. I should be back to normal by Saturday, and then we can get back on schedule.

Everyone else and the girls: Cool!

Me: And October is right around the corner, so get ready for Halloween, my absolute favorite holiday!

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