Chapter Thirty-Six

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(*After Emily and the girls came back from their shopping trip...*)

Me: Now, we just gotta hide these and then we'll—-

Ace: *walks in* Hi curly!

KellerSinger19: *secretly hides the shopping bags that has the stuff for the final dare* Um...Hi Ace! 😅

Suzy: What's up, guys?

Paul: We were just about to watch a movie.

Ace: Gene is in the kitchen gettin' the popcorn ready, and Peter is makin' hot chocolate! ACK!

Me: *laughs* Cool! What movie are we watching?

Paul: Well, it's Gene's turn to pick the movie, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Suzy: He better not pick anything that's got all the sexual stuff in it!

(*Later on that same evening, after we all finished watching "Detroit Rock City"*)

Me: We got you four original members of KISS something to wear for the final dare.

Suzy: Yeah! Now, get to it!

Paul: *looks inside one of the shopping bags* I can't tell what it is.

Gene: *looks me and the girls suspiciously* 🤨

Peter: It's not a prank, right?

Ace: *cackles as he goes to his bedroom to put on the outfit*

Me: Just go and put it on!

Paul: Okay... 👍

Peter: *switches to his cat form, and grabs the handle of the shopping bag in his mouth, and then goes to his bedroom*

Gene: Hmm...Something about this seems fishy to me. 🤔

Ace: *puts on the outfit* ....what in the name of Jendell???! 😨

Paul: *gasps when he looks at himself in the mirror* OH MY GOD! 😱

Gene: *growls* I KNEW IT!

Peter: Why are we dressed up like ballerinas??? 🙀

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