Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Me: Next...😳

Paul-kiss the host

Paul: *grins sexily and spins me around to face him and kisses me on the cheek*

Me: Wha...?! Huh??! 😵‍💫

Vinnie: 😡 You better start running Paul...

Paul: 😨 ...too late cause' I'm already gone!

(*The Starchild teleporrts himself to a hiding place using his Kissterian powers and disappears in a purple-colored aurora*)

Vinnie: *hugs me protectively*

Me: Next...😅

Tommy-break your guitar on stage like Paul does.

Tommy: Um...why would I want to do that?

Me: *sneaks up and grabs Tommy's guitar when he's not looking*

Tommy: Hey! *teleports himself towards me*

Me: *teleports myself on top of the refrigerator* Missed me! Missed me! Now you gotta—

Tommy: *teleports immediately towards me and takes his guitar back* Thank you 😎

Me: OMG! 😱 There's a bee! 🐝

Tommy: *looks around frantically* Where?!

Me: *steals Tommy's guitar again and then does a disappearing trick and disappears into thin air*

Tommy: *looks back at me* Huh?

Vinnie: Where did she go?

Paul: I bet that I can find Emily. *uses the power of the Eye to look for me, and when he does, he scans through my disappearing trick and then uses his hands and takes Tommy's guitar away from me and gives it back to the second Spaceman*

Tommy: Thank you Paul.

Me: *is thinking "Huh? How did Paul do that"*

Paul: *reads my mind, smiling while pointing to the black star on his left eye* The Eye never lies.

Truth Or Dare With KISS (37) Where stories live. Discover now