Chapter Twenty-Five

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Me: Next! 😄

Eric Carr-pour cold water on Gene while he's asleep XD

Eric Carr: *snickers in fox* 🤣 Okay!

(*The Fox sneaks into Gene's bedroom where the Demon is taking a nap*)

Eric Carr: *pours a bucket of cold water on Gene*

Gene: WTH?! 😖

Eric Carr: Hahaha! The Demon from KISS is now a drenched Demon. 🤣 *teleports out of Gene's bedroom in an orange aurora while he still can*

Gene: *mumbles some colorful language and then gets up out of bed to change out of his wet clothes and take a shower*

Tommy-help Gene by giving him clean clothes.

Tommy: *smiles* Sure. I can do that.

(*So, Tommy Thayer goes to the Demon's bedroom and gets some clean clothes and then he brings it to him*)

Gene: *summons the clean clothes that Tommy gave him* Gee, thanks...😑

Me: Next! 😀

Vinnie-i got a question: what was your favorite Christmas present that you ever got from Emily?

Vinnie: *smiles* Oh, that's easy. It's this photo album that she made for me. It has all of the pictures of me and my family.

Me: *giggles* Yep! And I almost couldn't wait to give it to you.

Vinnie: *nods head and smiles* I know, baby.

Me: *blushes softly when Vinnie puts his arm around me, hugging me close to him* I remember when you cried tears of joy on Christmas Eve of that year.

Vinnie: Yes.

Suzy: Aww! Did he really do that, Emily?

Me: *giggles* He sure did. Maybe I can do the same thing for Paul and Ace?

KellerSinger19: Aww! I can try to do that for my Itty Bitty Kitty! 😸

Eric Singer: Do what for us? 😮

Paul: Do what for us? 😮

Ace: Do what for us? 😮

Me: Nothing! 😅

KellerSinger19: Nothing! 😅

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