Chapter Thirty

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(*The host wakes up the next morning to find that the second-degree burn on her left arm is completely healed*)

Me: Hey Vinnie! Guess what? Guess what?

Vinnie: *opens his eyes* Hmm?

Me: Look at my arm! It's back to normal!

Vinnie: *gently holds my arm to have a look for himself* Well, what do you know? You are completely healed.

Me: *smiles happily and hugs Vinnie and then kisses him on the cheek* 😘

Vinnie: *slightly blushes does the same thing to me* 😚

Me: *can sense that everyone else are already up and ready for the day* I'm gonna go and tell Michael the good news!

Vinnie: *smiles* Okay, baby. I'll get myself ready for today and then, I think I'll go see what the other guys are up to.

Me: Okay! See you later! *runs out of the Egyptian bedroom*

(*A little longer than a few minutes later...*)

(*The king of pop is packing his suitcase so he can go home back to the Neverland Valley Ranch*)

Me: Applehead! Look at my arm! It's all better!

Michael Jackson: Really?? Let me see!

Me: *lifts up my left arm and shows it to Michael*

Michael Jackson: Wow! That medicine really helped.

Me: Yeah, I know!

(*After telling everyone else about the good news...*)

Me: But I don't want you to go! *pretends to pout childishly and giggles while hugging MJ*

Michael Jackson: I know, sweetie. I wish I could stay a little longer, but my chewdren need me.

Suzy: Aw, don't worry Emily! You two can spend as much time as you want after the holidays.

KellerSinger19: Yeah, and Christmas is right around the corner!

Me: Oh yeah, that's right. I almost forgot.

Michael Jackson: *looks at the time on his watch and realizes that he needs to get to the airport before he misses his flight* Bye Bye everyone! Thank you for letting me stay. I appreciate it.

Everyone else: Bye Michael!

Me: *gives Michael a quick kiss and a hug* See you later alligator! *waves at MJ*

Michael Jackson: *giggles* After a while crocodile. *opens the front door to the spare building, walks out, and closes the door behind him*

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