Chapter Fifteen

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(*The host has been decorating the spare building all day, along with Michael Jackson's help, and it was 6:00 p.m by the time they were both finally finished*)

Michael Jackson: *looks up at the Christmas tree that's been decorated with ornaments*

Me: This is beautiful, isn't it Applehead?

Michael Jackson: *smiles and nods his head* Mmhm.

(*Just then, the front door to the spare building opens, and in came the nine KISS guys and the girls*)

Ace: ACK! Emily decorated the spare building for Christmas!

Peter: Oh my God, this so cool. 😸

KellerSinger19: Wow! You did a good job Emily!

Suzy: Yeah, and you even had help from the king of pop himself!

Vixen91: You're one smart cookie Michael!

Michael Jackson: *blushes and smiles* Thank you.

Me: Aw, you girls made Michael blush! 😝

Michael Jackson: *giggles like he does* Emily, you're so silly.

(*After everyone else gets settled down, we all decided to get takeout for dinner and Emily makes Gene Simmons go and pick it up*)

Gene: Fine...😑 *puts on a jacket and leaves the spare building to go out and pick up the food*

Me: And no flirting with random ladies! Ya got that Chaim Weiz?

Gene: For the last time, my name is—-

Suzy: Just go already!

Gene: *sighs and walks away* Why do I even bother?

(*After the Demon brings our takeout dinner to the spare building, we all eat at at the kitchen table*)

(*Later that same evening...*)

Me: *whispers to the girls* Let's prank the frontman of KISS. 😁

KellerSinger19: *whispers* Yeah...😃

Vixen91: *giggles* 😆

Suzy: *whispers* What should we do?

Me: *sees that Paul has fallen asleep on the couch, and whispers* Let's give him a girly makeover...

Suzy: *whispers and giggles*

KellerSinger19: *goes to her and Eric Singer's bedroom and gets her makeup bag, then sneaks into the band's dressing room and borrows the Starchild's KISS makeup.

Me: *whispers* Shh...

Vixen91: *giggles* Did you take his KISS makeup?

KellerSinger19: Yep. 😉 *takes out a red lipstick and puts it on Paul's lips*

Me: *applies some purple eye shadow to his eye lids*

Suzy: *puts a little bit of light pink above his eye lids*

Paul: *wakes up* Huh...?

Me: Oh no! He caught us! 🤣

Paul: Um...what are you girls doing?

KellerSinger19: *laughs* 😹

Michael Jackson: *walks in and sees what's going on* 😮 What just happened to you Paul?

Paul: Huh? *takes out a mirror and looks at his reflection* Wow...

Me: We made the Starchild look like a princess!

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