Chapter Seventeen

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Me: Huh?? What's happening to me??

Eric Carr: *is in his fox form, and he proceeds to sniff my hand* (What's the matter Emily?)

Me: I feel so emotional. Like...something or someone is trying to—Oww! *gets dizzy, holding onto my injured arm that bandaged up*

Michael Jackson: *sees that about to fall to the floor and rushes over to catch me just in time* Emily, are you okay?

Everyone else: *teleports to where I'm at*

Paul: Something's not right with Emily. I can sense it through the Eye.

Gene: Hmm...aren't there any side effects from the pain medication that she's taking?

Michael Jackson: I don't think so. Her doctor said that there shouldn't be.

Suzy: *notices that Eric Carr is sniffing at Emily's bandages* Eric, why are you messing with Emily's bandages?

Eric Carr: *yips* (Something is effecting her KISSterian powers!) (I think we should remove the bandages and see what is going on)

Vinnie: You might be right, buddy.

Vixen91: I'll remove the bandages. Can somebody help me hold her still and keep her calm so she won't freak out?

Michael Jackson: *makes sure that I'm calm by reassuring me that everything is okay in a soothing way*

Vinnie: Oww! *feels a sharp pain on his golden Ankh symbol* Something is definitely wrong with Emily.

Paul: *watches as my eyes glow a white color* Her KISSterian powers are getting intense.

Vixen91: *carefully removes my bandages using a pair of scissors* Oh My God!

Vinnie: What??

Michael Jackson: Her burn marks are getting worse!

Eric Singer: Yeah, they look like they're getting infected.

KellerSinger19: That doctor and nurse better have a good explanation as to why Emily's pain medication did this to her!

Suzy: Yeah! We're gonna teach them a lesson they'll never forget!

Paul: Now, wait a minute guys. Let's get a closer look at Emily's injuries so we can figure out what's going on.

Tommy: So, the pain medication that Emily's been taking hasn't done its job the whole time?

Michael Jackson: She was healing well for the first week that was she was using it.

Bruce: Maybe they gave her the wrong medication?

Vinnie: *goes and gets the pain medication that I was using and reads what it says* ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! 😱🤬

Suzy: What is it Vinnie?

KellerSinger19: Yeah, what is it?

Vinnie: *is really pissed off* They did give her the wrong medication. It has someone else's name on it.

Paul: Wow. I can't believe it.

Gene: That was very unprofessional of them.

Vinnie: I will find out who is responsible for hurting my mate, and when I do...*the golden aurora from the Ankh Warrior's KISSterian powers began to glow intensely*

Eric Carr: *quickly switches back to his normal form* Hey, it's gonna be okay, Vinnie, man. We'll pay a visit to the pharmacy and then we'll tell them what happened and get the correct pain medication for Emily.

Ace Frehley: I just don't understand what their problem is, y'know?

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