Chapter Four

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(*After a while, Paul and Gene finally finished that video that footage of German concentration camps, and Emily let them out, but something about them completely changed*)

Me: Holy moly! Is that you Vinnie?

Vincent (teenage Vinnie) : *chuckles sheepishly* No no, darlin. My name is Vincent Cusano. Not Vinnie.

Stanley Eisen: OMG! I'm a teenager! Oh this gonna suck BIG TIME!

Chaim Weiz: What the?!

Florence: (Gene's mother) *in her thick Hungarian* Chaim Weiz, have you washed the dishes yet?

Chaim Weiz: Mom?? Is that you?...

Florence: Yes Chaim, it's me. Could you please wash the dishes for me while I do the laundry?

Chaim Weiz: Yes, of course. *goes to the kitchen to wash the dishes*  🙂

Suzy: Sweet Christine Sixteen! All of the guys have been turned into teens! 😨 Eric Carr! Look at you! 😍

Suzy: Sweet Christine Sixteen! All of the guys have been turned into teens! 😨 Eric Carr! Look at you! 😍

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Eric Carr (at 17 years old) : Um...who are you?? And my name ain't Eric Carr, it's Paul Caravello!

(*After gathering all nine of the teenage KISS dudes into the living room*)

Me: Aww! Look how adorable your curly hair is! *gently plays with Vincent's hair*

Vincent (teenage Vinnie) Um...hehehe. *blushes* I still don't know who you are. 😅 But you're really cute.

Stanley Eisen: *looks at himself in the mirror and gasps when he sees that he has his Microtia* Not again...😣

Paul Carovello: Wow! Did I really join a band later on?

Suzy: Yeah! You became the fourth member of a rock group called KISS! And you changed your name to "Eric Carr" because the frontman's name was Paul.

Paul Carovello: Ah, I get it now!

Me: You still playing guitar Vinnie—-I mean Vincent?

Vincent: Yes, I love to play my guitar. I'll have to show you some time when I'm not busy.

Paul Frehley (Ace as a teen): Um...what the heck is going on?

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