Chapter Eight

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*Paul Stanely is still a purple dragon and he has been an absolute handful*

Vinnie: *grabs a rope to tie around Paul the purple dragon's body* Calm down Paul!

Paul: *growls* (Let go of me!) 🤬

Vinnie: Not until you calm yourself down, damn it! 😠

Gene: *has a fire extinguisher in case anything catches on fire* Paul! We're just trying to help you!

Eric Singer: I've got some more ropes!

(*But then...*)

Paul: *growls again while flapping his dragons wings in an attempt to fly away* (Screw you Vinnie!)


Vinnie: *glares at Paul*

Eric Carr: Yeah, I sure did. 😨

Suzy: Same here! 😟

Paul: (What?!) (How can Emily understand me when I'm a purple dragon??)

Vixen91: STANLEY EISEN! You better apologize to Emily right this moment or I will kick your ass to the street! 🤬

Me: *my KISSterian powers are starting to transform me* Well, I'm not surprised. An egotistic bitch like the Starchild himself would have the guts to insult the person I care about.

Eli: Oh boy...🙀

Me: *is absolutely pissed off while walking towards Paul towards the purple dragon* Even after I've warned him about it more than enough times.

KellerSinger19: 🙀 Emily is really mad now.

Peter: Um...I think we should help Emily calm herself down or things will only get worse.

Me: *takes out a big thing of duck tape and proceeds to put it around Paul the purple dragon's mouth*

(*Now, Paul Stanley can't breath fire, or bite, or growl at anyone*)

Paul: *mumbles out loud despite his mouth being taped shut* (This is humiliating...) 🤐

Me: And for your punishment, I'm forcing you to be a purple dragon for an extra chapter while the king of pop Michael Jackson himself gives you a little pep talk.

Paul: *mumbles* (What?) (A pep talk?) (What's that pop singer got against me?)

Me: *is already getting ready to call Michael Jackson using FaceTime* Oh nothing, really. He just knows a thing or two about manners and being kind to others.

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