Chapter Ten

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(*At the hospital, Emily was taken into the emergency room, and the doctors and nurses were informed about her burn marks on he left arm, and unfortunately, they diagnosed her with second-degree burns which thankfully did not require amputation*)

Me: *is currently asleep in the hospital bed*

Michael Jackson: *refuses to leave me alone and is emotionally distressed by the fact that I know had burn marks all around my left arm*

Suzy: Hey Michael, do you want me to get you something to eat or drink?

Michael Jackson: *whimpers* N-no. I don't think I can.

KellerSinger19: Why not?

Michael Jackson: *sits up and wipes the tears away from his eyes using an tissue* Because of what happened to Emily.

Vixen91: It's okay, Michael. She'll get better.

Michael Jackson: *starts crying all over again* 😰

KellerSinger19: Aw, don't cry Michael. *hugs the king of pop* Everything will be okay.

(*At that moment, a nurse walked in to give Emily her medicine*)

Nurse: Is he doing okay?

Suzy: He'll be fine, our friend here is just really worried about Emily. They're close friends.

Michael Jackson: *starts panicking when he sees the nurse* N-nooo! Don't hurt me! 😰

Nurse: No, relax honey. I'm not going to hurt you.

Michael Jackson: *starts crying out of fear and then holds me close to him protectively*

Suzy: Michael, it's okay. Calm down. You're just—-

Vixen91: *sits down on the hospital bed next* Michael Jackson. Look at me.

Michael Jackson: *slowly turns his head to look at Vixen91*

Vixen91: Take a deep breath...and breathe out slowly.

Michael Jackson: *breaths in deeply* *then breaths out slowly* Thank you...

Suzy: Are you okay Michael?

Michael Jackson: Y-yes. I'm fine. It's just that what happened to Emily reminds me of when I was burned very badly while I was busy with filming a Pepsi commercial.

Vixen91: Really?

Nurse: Wow, that must've hurt real bad.

Michael Jackson: It did. I was in a lot of pain for a long time until Emily came along. She helped me a lot with overcoming my problems, and we became close friends over the years. I love and care for her very much.

Suzy: Aw. 🥹

KellerSinger19: *smiles* That's so sweet. 😻

Nurse: Well, we'll keep Emily here overnight to make sure that there's nothing else going on with her injuries, and she'll be discharged tomorrow.

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